Menetlus : 2020/2114(INI)
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Teisipäev, 5. juuli 2022 - Strasbourg

17. Kosovot käsitlev 2021. aasta aruanne (arutelu)
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  Puhemies. – Esityslistalla on seuraavana Viola Von Cramon-Taubadelin ulkoasiainvaliokunnan puolesta laatima mietintö Kosovoa koskevasta vuoden 2021 kertomuksesta [2021/2246(INI)] (A9-0179/2022).


  Viola von Cramon-Taubadel, rapporteur. – Madam President, Commissioner, dear friends of Kosovo, let me thank all colleagues who contributed so actively to this report. This year’s Kosovo report comes at a special moment, the one when we see again the horrors of war in Europe. As Kosovo has also recently experienced war, its government demonstrates full solidarity with Ukraine, for which I want to thank them.

This year’s report only scratches the surface of the challenges and issues that are ahead for the Kosovo Government. Yet it also clearly underlines the long path Kosovo has made in the reforms and its euro integration. Kosovo keeps proving its democratic capacities by organising free, fair and transparent elections. It is indeed a great example for all Western Balkan states of how to promote and nurture democratic standards, political dialogue and freedom of expression. The media landscape is diverse and represents the real control mechanism for the ruling parties. However, we need to do more to ensure that journalists remain independent and are protected from the party-affiliated tycoons.

Significant results have been achieved in the areas of the fight against corruption and organised crime. The rule of law reforms need to be continued in line with the Venice Commission opinion and EU standards and for the benefit of all Kosovo’s citizens. These reforms, including the judiciary and anti-corruption agency reinforcement, are crucial for the European reform agenda and Kosovo’s advancement on the EU accession path. Yet the rule of law means equality for all. Therefore, I call on the Government of Kosovo to implement the Constitutional Court judgment regarding the Visoki Dečani Monastery and demonstrate that it does not have a selective approach when it comes to the application of rule of law.

An essential element on Kosovo’s EU integration path is certainly the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, which conditions the EU membership of both countries. Let me emphasise once again that without a comprehensive, legally binding agreement on the normalisation of relations between Kosovo and Serbia, accession to the Union will not occur. Finding a way to accommodate it within Kosovo’s constitutional framework will lead one big step closer to the end of the dialogue and finalisation of this lengthy process with the mutual recognition.

Furthermore, environmental protection must become a priority for Kosovo. One of the main big steps on that pathway is the energy transition. It is high time to finally adopt and start implementing the long-awaited energy strategy, which will pave the way for decarbonisation of Kosovo’s energy mix and open the door for more renewables. We need to think in the longer perspective and realise that the cold not only kills citizens but will also kill the economy once the carbon adjustment mechanism enters into force.

The citizens of Kosovo are well aware they have a strong ally in the European Parliament and me personally, as I have repeatedly reiterated the need for immediate granting of visa liberalisation, which is long overdue despite the fact that Kosovo has met all the criteria. I wish to see the harvest of our joint efforts in the future, since Kosovo’s citizens deserve to live in a country that enjoys full international respect and a clear European integration perspective.


  Janez Lenarčič, Member of the Commission. – Madam President, honourable Members, first let me thank the rapporteur, Viola von Cramon—Taubadel, for her report on Kosovo in the light of the challenging and changing geopolitical context.

It is worth noting that Kosovo has made a clear choice and reconfirmed its commitment to European values and to our Union. The government has condemned the Russian military aggression and demonstrated solidarity with Ukraine and with its people. Kosovo has also aligned with EU statements and sanctions against Russia and Belarus. I very much welcome Kosovo’s support and commitment in this sense.

We too need to keep our commitments. In July 2018, the Commission reported that Kosovo had fulfilled all the benchmarks to be granted visa liberalisation. The decision is still pending in the Council and we need to deliver on this long—overdue promise. I thank the Members of the European Parliament for being supportive and vocal on this matter.

While the Commission confirms the assessment again that Kosovo has fulfilled all the criteria to grant visa liberalisation, the decision remains in the hands of Member States and therefore the Commission is ready to support Kosovo in addressing the remaining concerns voiced by Member States. We are not talking here about any new roadmap or any new conditions, but about additional support from the Commission to find a pragmatic solution to clear the remaining obstacles.

Now let me turn towards the assessment of the reform progress. Kosovo’s government continues to be resolute in its efforts to deliver EU—related reforms, including in key areas such as the fight against corruption and organised crime. We would like to see a faster pace of reform, including in the Assembly, which has a critical role to play in advancing the government’s EU agenda. We welcome Kosovo’s efforts to improve the efficiency, integrity and professionalism of the judiciary.

As you note in your report, these efforts should respect the recent Venice Commission recommendations on the matter, which we have welcomed. The Commission stands ready to continue discussions with the authorities on this important issue.

On the economic front, the EU and Kosovo are facing common challenges: increase of the prices of energy and other commodities, inflation and concerns about the future. The energy sector remains a cause for concern, especially after the difficult winter Kosovo has been through. Kosovo should finalise its energy strategy for the next ten years and begin its transition towards decarbonisation and green energy sources as soon as possible.

We remain committed to help Kosovo in every way we can, including through our financial assistance. Kosovo needs to redouble its efforts to take full advantage of the unique opportunities offered under the Economic and Investment Plan and IPA III, not least in the energy sector. For these investments to deliver fully, we need the region to push ahead with regional economic cooperation. The name of this cooperation is not important as long as it is built on EU rules and is inclusive for the whole region. We need Kosovo to engage constructively in its implementation.

When it comes to the Belgrade—Pristina dialogue, the adoption on 21 June of a roadmap for the implementation of past energy agreements is a major step forward. More broadly, we expect Kosovo and Serbia to make rapid and concrete progress on the full normalisation of their relations. A comprehensive, legally—binding normalisation agreement is key for Serbia and Kosovo to advance on the European path.

Let me end on this note: the entire region belongs in the European Union. They are part of the European family. Thank you for your attention.


  Lukas Mandl, im Namen der PPE-Fraktion. – Frau Präsidentin, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, sehr geehrter Herr Lenarčič! Der gesamte Westbalkan – alle sechs Staaten – sind wichtig für die Zukunft Europas. Heute debattieren wir über die Republik Kosovo und den Kosovo-Bericht.

Ich möchte Sie daher darauf hinweisen, dass das ein Staat ist mit Menschen, die für ihre Freiheit einen hohen Blutzoll bezahlt haben, ein Staat, der überhaupt nur durch die Europäische Union und die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika seine Unabhängigkeit erlangen konnte, ein Staat, der in einer beeindruckenden Geschwindigkeit Demokratie und Rechtsstaat aufgebaut hat, eine Demokratie, die heute stabil ist und die eine hohe Diversität im Land aufweist, ein Rechtsstaat, ja, der noch Reformen braucht, aber eine der modernsten Verfassungen der Welt im Hintergrund hat, ein Staat, der von weit über hundert Staaten dieser Welt und mittlerweile auch vom Staat Israel anerkannt ist, was lange eine offene Frage war.

Aber ein Staat, der noch immer von einer kleinen Minderheit mitgliedstaatlicher Regierungen in der Europäischen Union nicht anerkannt wird, ein Staat, der Bürgerinnen und Bürger hat, die als einzige im gesamten Westbalkan nicht visumfrei reisen dürfen, ein Staat, dem immer und immer wieder Zusagen gemacht werden, die dann nicht eingehalten werden, dem Versprechen gemacht werden, deren Einhaltung dann verschoben wird. Das ist die Republik Kosovo.

Dennoch haben die Menschen dort die größte Zustimmung zur europäischen Integration, verglichen mit allen Westbalkanstaaten. Dennoch ist dort eine Zuversicht vorhanden, von der alle anderen in Europa viel lernen können – vom jüngsten Staat Europas, nicht nur in seiner Staatlichkeit, sondern auch in der Bevölkerung.

Deshalb ist das Signal aus dem Europäischen Parlament heute so wichtig.


  Andreas Schieder, on behalf of the S&D Group. – Madam President, I can simply continue where my colleague Lukas Mandl also stopped. In a summary, Kosovo is moving forward, is making progress. It’s more stable than it was before politically. And also it undertook a lot of reforms, but much more have to come also.

And I think there are two important things. The one is the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, which has to be strengthened and emphasised, and the other one is the visa liberalisation. Every precondition is fulfilled, but still what we are missing is the green light for visa liberalisation. And this blocking is stealing the young generation of Kosovo its future chances and therefore it’s unacceptable.

And also, we discussed this issue with the background of a European Council, which was concerning the Western Balkans European perspective, slightly saying disappointing. It was a Council which did not give the answers which the Western Balkans citizens expect from the European Union and what they deserve from the European Union. There was no answer, only disappointment.

And I would say even today, looking at the Commission – not to you Commissioner Lenarčič – but the absent Commissioner for Enlargement is of high symbolic value that the European Union is missing a Western Balkan politics. And honestly, it is unacceptable that the Enlargement Commissioner is not here and it is symbolic of how we do also our politics. Not enough.


  Ilhan Kyuchyuk, on behalf of the Renew Group. – Madam President, I will try not to repeat what was said already, but also I will try to avoid my frustration and to focus on positive developments for Kosovo. But before that, let me start by thanking our rapporteur for bringing such a balanced report in front of the European Parliament.

Indeed, Kosovo is among the countries in the region where the EU integration process enjoys strong support among the citizens and all political actors. Without any doubt, Kosovo is arguably one of the most dedicated and loyal partner countries for the European Union.

And again, it was a year that was dynamic and full of important political developments. But despite this, Kosovo has confirmed its strategic commitment to the European pact with the decision to formally apply to join the EU by the end of this year.

Kosovo has proactively aligned with the EU’s common foreign and security policy and gave a great example by strongly condemning Russia’s aggression in Ukraine and became the first country from the region to join EU sanctions. Therefore, I urge the leadership of the EU to stop the years of unfulfilled EU promises and lost opportunities and finally grant Kosovo visa liberalisation.

It is so important, not for us as thr European Union, but it’s important for our strategic relationship with Kosovo. And most importantly, we deserve that promise to the younger generation of Kosovo with so much potential and we are there looking forward for such a message coming from the European Council.


  Jean-Lin Lacapelle, au nom du groupe ID. – Madame la Présidente, chers collègues, après la gifle du Brexit, l’Union européenne cherche fanatiquement à se convaincre qu’elle reste une force d’attraction, en cherchant à tout prix à intégrer en son sein de nouveaux pays.

Peu importe qu’ils soient sous le coup d’une sécession armée comme la Moldavie, ou carrément en guerre comme en Ukraine. Peu importe qu’il s’agisse d’un territoire notoirement mafieux, islamiste, en proie aux trafics, comme l’illustre le cas présent du Kosovo.

En fait, vous souhaitez ouvrir les portes de l’Europe à l’afflux massif d’armes, au trafic de drogue, au trafic d’êtres humains ou encore au terrorisme islamiste. Je vous rappelle que c’est le Kosovo qui a fourni le plus grand nombre de djihadistes à la Syrie et à l’Iraq en Europe, proportionnellement à son nombre d’habitants. Pourtant, vous préconisez sans délai l’adhésion du Kosovo à l’Union européenne, ainsi que la libéralisation des visas pour les Kosovars, sans vous soucier que cinq États membres de l’Union européenne ne reconnaissent toujours pas l’existence du territoire.

Ce rapport, comme à l’accoutumée, est un ramassis idéologique qui ne tient aucun compte des conséquences réelles qu’une adhésion du Kosovo aurait sur l’ensemble des pays européens.

Selon une enquête menée par le Conseil européen des relations étrangères, une large majorité des citoyens des États membres de l’Union européenne est opposée à un élargissement aux pays des Balkans. Mais vous vous en moquez.

D’autre part, le gouvernement kosovar souhaite à terme l’intégration du Kosovo dans une Grande Albanie qui se retrouverait de facto membre de l’Union européenne, en pleine contradiction avec la résolution 1244 du Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies. Et ça, vous vous en moquez aussi.

En conclusion, face à cette désinvolture hallucinante, le Rassemblement national s’opposera toujours à cette volonté expansionniste acharnée et défendra toujours fermement l’intérêt et la volonté de nos peuples.


  Ангел Джамбазки, от името на групата ECR. – г-жо Председател, г-жо Докладчик, поздравявам Ви с ползотворната работа. Този доклад е доста по-различен от предишните два, които разглеждахме преди малко. Това, което аз, разбира се, веднага ще подчертая, че с подкрепата на колеги от различни групи бяха приети нашите поправки, които призовават правителството в Прищина да разгледа петицията от над 500 българи в районите на Гора и Жупа и техните права да бъдат гарантирани и уредени нормативно. Сигурен съм, че проевропейското правителство в Косово ще обърне внимание на този въпрос и българите ще бъдат равнопоставени и добре приети в обществото, което е приятелски настроено към тях, и ще имат възможност да запазят своята уникална култура и самобитност.

Това обаче, което ме притеснява, е липсата на ясно посочване на истинския проблем. Истинският проблем е проксито на Русия на Балканите, Сърбия. Тя дестабилизира и се опитва да дестабилизира Косово и продължава с провокациите, както беше в началото на тази година. Видяхме няколко пъти сръбски провокации и напрежение по границата, а за повод служеха полицейски акции на косовската полиция, които действаха срещу организираната престъпност от сръбска страна, така че там трябва да се обърне внимание. За другото мога да Ви поздравя.


  Clara Ponsatí Obiols (NI). – Madam President, thanks to the rapporteur for a good report. Kosovo is a stress test for Europe but self—determination is the route to solve conflicts peacefully and democratically, and hence it is sound geopolitical policy. If we look down on Kosovo as an experiment in new forms of good-faith colonialism as a nuisance to bear and despise for strategic reasons, then we will just repeat the historical mistakes in the Balkans.

Almost all Member States recognise Kosovo, except a select few that align with Russia and drag the EU away from the only way forward. Among them Spain, the EU champion against self—determination. Europe pays a very heavy price for Spain’s internal insecurities. How much longer will Spain deny Kosovo’s existence just to get a warrant against the Catalans? Year after year, this charade grows more absurd. Self—determination is a fundamental right in Kosovo, in Sahara, in Scotland, and, yes, also in Catalonia.


  Андрей Ковачев (PPE). – Г-жо Председател, Косово показа ангажираност в прилагането на необходимите реформи, има огромна обществена подкрепа за европейската интеграция и сега е моментът правителството да използва стабилното си мнозинство в парламента и да продължи с необходимите реформи.

В същото време, както много често сме казвали, европейската интеграция е двупосочна улица. Европейският съюз, Европейският съвет трябва да изпълни своето обещание и най-накрая гражданите на Косово да имат възможност да пътуват без визи за краткосрочни пътувания за туризъм в Европейския съюз. Това го дължим да се случи колкото се може по-бързо, бих казал веднага.

Очаквам от правителството и решителни действия за напредък с отношенията със Сърбия, като тук ясната цел, преди малко го казахме и по време на дебата със Сърбия, е, че крайната цел е взаимното признаване на двете страни. Щастлив съм, че в текста на проекторезолюцията има и параграф за българското малцинство в Косово, в което се призовава тяхната петиция към косовския парламент да бъде уважена и техните права да бъдат зачитани и вписани в законите.


  Thijs Reuten (S&D). – Madam President, Kosovo’s people deserve this liberalisation and this is nothing new. They have deserved it since 2018. Kosovo played by the rules and fulfilled all the Commission benchmarks. Yet last month, the European Council failed them, failed all of the Western Balkan countries again. And I’m embarrassed. It is also my home country, the Netherlands, that continues to block what the Kosovars clearly deserve.

Let us be very clear: any Franco-Dutch demands for yet another Commission report or road map are absurd. If we want to retain any remaining credibility in the Western Balkans, the Council must put an end to this habit of changing the rules in the middle of the game. All Member States and the Commission need to hold obstructers accountable. Our leaders need to realize Europe’s geopolitical reality does not leave room for unending roadmaps. So I call on the Council and on the French and Dutch governments, in particular, to be resolute: end this irresponsible obstruction.

Just like finally opening accession negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania, Kosovo’s visa liberalisation will be a sign of hope that will resound across the Western Balkans and it will demonstrate to all that EU enlargement is alive and kicking if you deliver on what you were asked. We need to do this together.


  Lars Patrick Berg (ECR). – Frau Präsidentin! Ich begrüße diesen Bericht, der meiner Meinung nach sowohl ausgewogen als auch fair ist. Meine Sorge ist, dass wir es wie im Falle Georgiens versäumen, unsere Freunde in einer großen Zeit der Instabilität zu unterstützen. Es ist unverzeihlich, dass das Kosovo von einigen Mitgliedstaaten immer noch nicht anerkannt wird, und zwar aus Gründen, die mehr mit innenpolitischen Erwägungen als mit Fragen der kosovarischen Souveränität zu tun haben.

Wir müssen die Fragen der Visaliberalisierung auf der Grundlage des Prinzips der Fairness und gleicher Wettbewerbsbedingungen für die Staaten des westlichen Balkans lösen. Die kosovarische Regierung hat lobenswerte Fortschritte bei der Bekämpfung der Korruption, der Durchsetzung der Rechtsstaatlichkeit und der Förderung der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung gemacht. Lassen Sie uns unsere Beziehungen endlich auf die nächste Stufe heben.


  Antoni Comín i Oliveres (NI). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, ha ragione questa relazione quando chiede che il Kosovo sia ammesso come paese candidato all'adesione all'Unione e ha ragione quando chiede agli Stati membri di non porre il veto alla richiesta che il Kosovo intende formalizzare in questo senso alla fine del 2022. Se quando questa richiesta arriverà Stati come la Spagna si opporranno, si scontreranno frontalmente contro la volontà di questo Parlamento.

Il Kosovo ha compiuto passi importanti dal 2021 verso la democratizzazione del suo sistema politico e se gli chiudiamo la porta, questi sforzi perderanno slancio. Cosa preferiamo? Un Kosovo democratico all'interno dell'Unione o uno Stato kosovaro fallito vicino, ma al di fuori dell'Unione?

La Spagna e gli altri Stati che ancora non riconoscono la legittima dichiarazione unilaterale di indipendenza del Kosovo ostacoleranno il suo percorso europeo, una dichiarazione che è conforme al diritto internazionale secondo la Corte internazionale di giustizia. Se una dichiarazione unilaterale di indipendenza può essere legale in conformità con il diritto internazionale, va contro i valori europei che attualmente ci siano cinque Stati membri dell'Unione, inclusa la Spagna, che non vogliono riconoscerlo.


Pyynnöstä myönnettävät puheenvuorot


  Jordi Solé (Verts/ALE). – Madam President, thank you very much. I’m glad to see that in this report, we welcome Kosovo’s efforts to advance the reforms that will bring the country closer to the EU, that we recognise progress being made in a number of areas, and that we praise the support of institutions and the majority of the population to become members of the EU. But despite all of this, five member states, including Spain, are stubbornly resisting to recognise Kosovo as an independent state, a state that very soon will formally ask us for membership. The situation is absurd, even more so when the non-recognition is looking at internal situations and for the fear of setting precedents regarding the ways to achieve statehood, as is clearly the case with Spain.

The independence of Kosovo is irreversible legal, democratic, and it has been a reality for years. Hindering Kosovo’s European perspective by not recognising its independence is selfish and weakens our Union.


  Joachim Stanisław Brudziński (ECR). – Pani Przewodnicząca! Za nami debata. Rozmawialiśmy o aspiracjach takich państw jak Bośnia i Hercegowina, Serbia, a teraz Kosowo. Oczywiście jest bardzo wiele merytorycznych argumentów, bo też nie ma co udawać – chować głowy w piasek – że od elementów historycznych, ale też od sytuacji w innych państwach, tak jak w Hiszpanii, zależy proces akcesji Kosowa, który wzbudza kontrowersje.

Proszę Państwa, jesteśmy na określonym etapie historii. Churchill mówił kiedyś o miękkim podbrzuszu, wskazując Bałkany. Jeżeli nie będzie jasnej drogi, jasnego światła, aby te państwa Bałkanów Zachodnich mogły wejść do Unii Europejskiej, to w tym kotle bałkańskim będzie mieszał Putin, będą mieszać wahabici z Arabii Saudyjskiej, będzie mieszać Turcja – i będziemy mieli cały czas problem. Jest to jedyna nadzieja, aby przezwyciężyć również te wszystkie animozje wynikające z różnic narodowościowych, z walk, z dominacji Serbów w Bośni czy Hercegowinie. Ale również, powiedzmy to uczciwie, tak jak upominamy się tutaj o Bułgarów w Kosowie, należy się upomnieć również o Serbów w Kosowie. Przecież Kosowo to historyczny rdzeń dawnej Serbii. Miejmy to w pamięci, otwierając drzwi do Europy. Bo innej drogi nie ma. Jeżeli do UE nie wejdzie Bośnia i Hercegowina, jeżeli nie wejdzie Serbia, nie wejdzie Macedonia Północna, nie wejdzie Kosowo, to Putin będzie zacierał ręce, będą zacierać ręce w Pekinie, będą zacierać ręce w Arabii Saudyjskiej.


(Pyynnöstä myönnettävät puheenvuorot päättyvät)


  Janez Lenarčič, Member of the Commission. – Madam President, first of all, I would like to tell you that Commissioner Várhelyi would very much wish to be here with us on these items, but he was prevented due to medical reasons.

Thank you for raising all the various issues in this extremely interesting debate. On visa liberalisation, let me just clarify and reiterate once again that we continue to stand behind our assessment of July 2018 that Kosovo has fulfilled all the requirements for visa liberalisation, and it is now for the Council to move this issue forward.

On the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, I would like to underline that we fully support the efforts of the High Representative and his Special Representative Lajčák to facilitate the talks between Belgrade and Pristina. And I think it is time for this process to come to a successful end. We expect both parties to make rapid and concrete progress on the full normalisation of their relations.

I would not want now to go into details of all the other issues. Let me just say that the upcoming 2022 enlargement package will be an opportunity to assess Kosovo’s progress. We expect to see concrete action from the government on many of the key areas that were also highlighted in today’s discussion. These reforms that are necessary will help bring prosperity, stability and peace to Kosovo and also to the wider region. This is a message that we need to repeat to all our partners in the Western Balkans and I do count on the support of this House to echo these messages and to remain engaged with Kosovo.

It is really important, perhaps more than ever before, that the European Union and this House express their full and unequivocal commitment to the EU membership perspective for all of the Western Balkans, including Kosovo.


  Viola von Cramon-Taubadel, rapporteur. – Madam President, dear colleagues, I would like to thank you mainly for your very positive feedback on this report, but also for your continued support for possible to advance on its reform and EU integration path. Kosovo has made a significant progress in recent years in many areas, maturing as a democracy and as an international partner. The success of the Kurti Government will be measured in delivering on key issues. Judiciary, rule of law, energy transition, but also on education and health. And that is my main message for the Kosovo Government: you have a stable majority and still a fresh mandate - use this!

Kosovo’s international priority remains the Brussels-led dialogue with Serbia. The deals on energy in the north of Kosovo and on missing persons are important as they will contribute to the further normalisation of the situation and mutual trust between Albanians and Serbs. EU Special Envoy Miroslav Lajčák has our full support and we wish to end this process soon, since there is a unique transatlantic alignment on this. My second message is for Kosovo’s international partners. The last EU summit created excuse me, a major disappointment for Kosovo, but also the whole Western Balkan region. I honestly hoped that when delivering this speech I would be congratulating Kosovo’s citizens on visa liberalisation. Yet not a single delivery was made to any of the countries of the region. Dear French and Dutch colleagues, citizens of Mexico, Nicaragua and Qatar can travel freely to Europe, but still Kosovo’s can’t. I deeply regret that as it sparks Euroscepticism and undermines our credibility in the eyes of our partners in Kosovo. We do need to do our homework here. I invite you all to convince your national governments to finally deliver what Kosovo deserved a long time ago. Free movement for its citizens.


  Puhemies. – Keskustelu on päättynyt. Äänestys toimitetaan huomenna 6. heinäkuuta 2022.

Viimane päevakajastamine: 25. oktoober 2022Õigusteave - Privaatsuspoliitika