Billy Kelleher (Renew). – Mr President, on 16 September, Mahsa Amini, a 22 year old, died while in custody, detained by the morality police in Tehran. Now, I want to say at the very outset and what I say for the next number of seconds has nothing to do with being opposed to religions: it is about fundamental human rights. It’s about the right of women in any part of this globe to go about their lawful business without being hindered by what they have to wear or by why they can’t wear what they want to wear. They should have the fundamental freedoms in any country, either in the European Union or in the Islamic Republic of Iran or anywhere else. Women should be free to wear what they want.
It is an absolute disgrace that we are talking about a woman of 22 years of age who died simply because her headscarf was too loose. That is a fundamental breach of any human right. It’s a fundamental breach of basic decency. I ask the Islamic Republic of Iran to loosen the restrictions on individuals so they can go about their business in the manner that they feel fit, not in the manner that the mullahs and Ayatollah Khamenei feel they should.
Mick Wallace (The Left). – Mr President, if the political class of the EU cared about human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran, they wouldn’t be clamouring to impose new unilateral sanctions. If we cared about the protection of human rights in a consistent, principled manner, we would condemn the relentless murder of Palestinian men, women and children by Israeli forces – every single plenary. We would address the tens of thousands of ordinary working class Syrians, Lebanese, Venezuelans, Yemenis, Zimbabweans, Cubans and Iranians that are being killed by US and EU unilateral sanctions and embargoes.
On 12 September, the UN Special Rapporteur on the negative impact of unilateral coercive measures on the enjoyment of human rights, Alena Douhan, published her report on secondary sanctions and sanctions over—compliance. It describes how over—compliance with even so-called targeted sanctions is killing masses of women, children, the sick and the old, in particular in these targeted countries.
US and EU sanctions are killing Iranians, and you don’t care. You want more sanctions, and more dead Iranians – in the name of human rights, no less. It’s sickening!
Eugen Tomac (PPE). – Domnule președinte, cred că o țară de 84 de milioane de cetățeni trăiește momente istorice și cred că moartea, mult prea devreme, a Mahsei Amini reprezintă, de fapt, un protest inițiat din convingere pentru câștigarea dreptului la viață în această țară unde se comit crime, unde se comit atrocități, unde, în numele unor idei închipuite, statul reprimă propria populație.
Avem obligația să le transmitem un mesaj de solidaritate, de susținere, pentru toți cei care își doresc ca această stare prin care trece Iranul să se încheie. Sunt oameni care și-au asumat, cu riscul pierderii propriei vieți, să lupte pentru valori pe care noi le prețuim și care reprezintă temelia lumii libere. Pentru acest lucru trebuie să luptăm, pentru acest lucru am votat.
Clare Daly (The Left). – Mr President, Mahsa Amini’s death in police custody is very concerning. There should be a full and transparent inquiry, and the people of Iran have every right to protest and push their government for women’s rights and civil and social reforms. They should be able to do that without shocking violence and repression from the authorities. But they should equally be able to do it without the EU trying to capitalise from their struggle.
While many in Iran push – and rightly so – for much—needed social progress, it’s for them to decide what happens in Iran, not us. Most of them don’t want to see their government overthrown or their country thrown open to the predatory whims of foreign capital as it was before. But unfortunately, that was the sentiment of many in this Chamber. The resolution itself is level—headed and does call on Iran to see to its own house, but unfortunately, it also calls for maintaining coercive measures and sanctions, which is going to damage the very people we seek to protect. That’s why I regretfully abstained on the motion.
Ana Miranda (Verts/ALE). – Mr President, with the murder of Mahsa Jina Amini, she became the angel of women who are fighting against patriarchal state violence over the world. Women in Iran, Turkey, Palestine, Western Sahara, Kurdistan, Yemen, Afghanistan and other countries. Since they are women, they are subject to violence. They are murdered. The only solution against this organised violence is women’s solidarity that knows no borders in our common struggle for liberation.
Stanislav Polčák (PPE). – Mr President, I of course supported this resolution. What we have seen in Iran is a clear desire for freedom, for the destruction of a disgusting totalitarian regime, a regime that has already killed hundreds of thousands of people and maimed many more. The death of Mahsa Amini shows the brutality of the regime, and the protests show the true face of the Iranian people – of people who want to live in freedom, where human life has value and where the law applies to everyone. The Iranian people need to hear that Europe supports not only Iranian women, but everyone in Iran who shares the values of democracy and protection of human rights.
Der Präsident. – Damit istdieser Tagesordnungspunkt geschlossen.
Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, ich bedaure sehr, dass wir jetzt am Ende unserer Tagungsmöglichkeiten angekommen sind und dass die Erklärungen zur Abstimmung dadurch jetzt leiden. Ich mag die Stimmerklärungen sehr, deshalb wenden Sie sich bitte auch an Ihre Fraktionsvorsitzenden. Denn zum einen macht letztlich die Konferenz der Präsidenten die Tagesordnung. Zum Zweiten erlaube ich mir schon die persönliche Anmerkung, dass die Stimmerklärungen eigentlich dafür da sind, zu sagen, warum man entgegen öffentlichen Zusagen nun eben doch ein bisschen anders, als man es erwarten könnte, abgestimmt hat.
Heute waren hier alle dafür bis auf die Kollegin Daly, die eigentlich dem Sinn der Stimmerklärungen entsprechend gesagt hat, warum sie eigentlich für die ganze Sache ist, sich aber trotzdem enthalten hat. Das ist der eigentliche Sinn der Stimmerklärungen und nicht Ersatzredezeit, die man vielleicht bei der Aussprache über die eigentliche Geschichte nicht bekommen hat.
Ich bitte jetzt also die Kollegen, die betreffend die Entschließungsanträge zu Russlands Eskalation seines Angriffskriegs gegen die Ukraine, zu dem Ergebnis der Überprüfung des 15-Punkte-Aktionsplans für Handel und nachhaltige Entwicklung durch die Kommission und zum Thema „Neue Impulse für eine gestärkte Meerespolitik und den Erhalt der biologischen Vielfalt“ nicht mehr zu Wort kommen, um Verständnis und möchte sie darauf hinweisen, dass es die Möglichkeit gibt, diese Stimmerklärungen schriftlich abzugeben.