 Texte intégral 
Procédure : 2022/2005(INI)
Cycle de vie en séance
Cycle relatif au document : A9-0254/2022

Textes déposés :


Débats :

PV 10/11/2022 - 2
CRE 10/11/2022 - 2

Votes :

PV 10/11/2022 - 5.14
CRE 10/11/2022 - 5.14
Explications de votes

Textes adoptés :


Compte rendu in extenso des débats
XML 65k
Jeudi 10 novembre 2022 - Bruxelles

2. Justice raciale, non-discrimination et lutte contre le racisme dans l'UE (débat)
Vidéo des interventions

  Der Präsident. – Als nächster Punkt der Tagesordnung folgt die Aussprache über den Bericht von Evin Incir im Namen des Ausschusses für bürgerliche Freiheiten, Justiz und Inneres über Rassengerechtigkeit, Diskriminierungsverbot und Vorgehen gegen Rassismus in der EU (2022/2005(INI)) (A9-0254/2022).


  Evin Incir, rapporteur. – Mr President, colleagues, first and foremost I want to thank all the shadow rapporteurs for the very fruitful and successful discussions and agreements reached. I am happy that we will be able to say to all the people of our Union that they matter and that democratic political groups here in this parliament care. I am proud to be able to say that we are on the right side of history and that we do not look away when people are facing human rights violations because racism is not an opinion: it is a crime; it is a human rights violation.

Colleagues, exactly 84 years ago, the night between 9 and 10 November 1938 embodies racism in its worst form, anti-Semitism. If we close our eyes and listen very carefully, we still hear echoes from a dark chapter in our European history, a period of our history that we must do everything in our power to ensure never repeats itself. We owe the victims of the horrific Holocaust to never forget. We are obliged to act. The EU is built on the notion that nobody is free before everybody is free. Our Union exists as a counter force against hate and all those striving for polarisation and trying to divide our communities. To those undemocratic forces I want to say we will do everything to ensure you are forever consigned to the dustbin of history.

Friends, the former Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme’s words from 1965 are still relevant today. He said: ‘We like to think of ourselves as open minded and tolerant, but it is yet not that simple. Prejudice does not need to be anchored in some hideous theories. It has much simpler origins. Prejudice always has its roots in everyday life. It grows in the workplace and in the neighbourhood. It is an expression of one’s own failure and disappointments. It is, above all, an expression of ignorance and fear: ignorance of other people’s uniqueness; fear of losing a position, a social privilege, a pre-emptive right. A person’s skin colour, race, language and place of birth have nothing to do with human qualities. Grading people with such standards is in stark contrast to the principle of the equal value of people.’

Friends, we still face a reality today in the EU where our people are victims of racism, discrimination and harassment. Reports of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights highlight that discrimination and harassment is a daily reality all over the European Union. Minorities face racism in the EU every day. In the five years preceding the respective surveys, 41% of Roma, 45% of persons with a North African background, 39% of sub-Saharan Africans, 60% of Roma and travellers and 25% of Jews felt discriminated against because of their ethnic or immigrant backgrounds. Harassment due to ethnic or immigrant backgrounds was common for one in four Muslim respondents. Of these individuals, nearly half suffered six or more incidents during the year prior to the study.

Racism is a threat to our European democracy and violates human rights. Racism and discrimination kills, deprives people of their fundamental rights, and deprives society from fully enjoying the competence and experience of all our citizens. It is time to go from words to actions. It is time to implement the motto of the European Union: ‘United in Diversity’. It’s not only about uniting the states and countries: it is about uniting our people to ensure that we end all the discrimination, hatred and violence that they are facing every year, every month, every week, every day.


  President. – Thank you very much for your introductory speech, rapporteur. I now warmly welcome our Commissioner, Helena Dalli.


  Helena Dalli, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, honourable Members, the report that we discuss today is an important initiative of the European Parliament. I thank you for acknowledging the work of the European Commission in tackling racism and for highlighting the importance of continuing our concerted efforts and mainstreaming our work in legislation, policy-making, funding and practice.

Discrimination on the grounds of racial or ethnic origin is prohibited in the European Union. The European Commission is acting to address the high rates of experiences of racism at 29% in access to work, 23% in access to housing, 12% in access to education, and 22% in access to goods and services, and the worrying incidences of racist harassment at 24% and racist violence at 3% over a 12-month period.

This severely affects racialised communities and ethnic minorities across our Union. This is why our work programme for 2023 states that the Commission will continue its work to ensure effective protection against discrimination on grounds of racial or ethnic origin. This work is to be seen in the context of the implementation of the EU anti-racism action plan presented two years ago. This action plan takes a horizontal approach covering all different forms of racism and sets out measures that cover a comprehensive range of policy areas. The acknowledgement of the structural dimension of racism and the significance of intersectionality is at the base of the action plan.

In this context, the EU anti-racism action plan emphasises the importance of mainstreaming the fight against racism into all EU policies. The Commission’s Task Force on Equality plays a key role in this respect. The European Union has a strong legal acquis and mandate to fight racial and ethnic discrimination, with legislation covering all areas of life and addressing hate speech and hate crime.

Last year, the report on the application of the Racial Equality Directive concluded that Member States must provide greater attention to the implementation of the directive in relation to protection against victimisation and the application of effective, proportionate and dissuasive sanctions.

In this respect, we are preparing a proposal for a law strengthening equality bodies that will be presented before the end of this year. Amongst others, the new standards will cover the equality bodies’ mandate, their powers, independence and their resources, importantly.

Racist and xenophobic hate crime and hate speech are prohibited, as you know, under Union law. The framework decision on combating racism and xenophobia obliges Member States to criminalise public incitement to violence or hatred based on race, colour, religion, descent, or national or ethnic origin, and to ensure criminalisation of the racist and xenophobic bias motivation when committing a crime.

Extensive efforts have been made to ensure enforcement of legislation through targeted support to Member States and their law enforcement agencies. The Commission takes the proper transposition and implementation of this legislation, of course, seriously, through dialogue with Member States and where needed by initiating infringement proceedings.

In December 2021, the Commission continued pushing for legislative progress and proposed to extend the current list of EU crimes to hate speech and hate crime. The EU is deeply concerned with the rising rates of this form of crime. Yet legislation is, of course, only part of the answer and policy efforts need to complement it. Education is key for addressing racism.

The Commission is committed to supporting Member States in identifying good practices, lessons learned and success factors in building inclusive and equitable quality education. At its last two meetings this year, the Working Group on equality and values in education and training within the European Education Area, consisting of experts appointed by EU Member States, discussed different ways to address discrimination in and through education and training, including stereotypes, prejudice and hate speech.

The Erasmus+ programme already supports projects to raise awareness among young Europeans of the importance of respecting each other in our diversity. Since 2014, more than 2 800 projects, supported by the programme across Europe, have dealt directly with the fight against racism. The EU anti-racism action plan also foresees strengthened participation of civil society organisations working with racialised groups.

To this end, the Commission set up a permanent forum of anti-racism civil society organisations to participate in the consultative processes and support the Commission in the implementation of the action plan. Besides, the new Commission Coordinator for Anti-Racism also interacts with many other stakeholders like Member States, the European Parliament and academia to strengthen policy responses in the field of anti-racism.

Supplementing this work, the European Commission has adopted two specific approaches addressing the challenges faced by Roma and Jewish people. The adoption of the EU Roma strategic framework in 2020 and the unanimous adoption of the Council recommendation on Roma equality, inclusion and participation in 2021 marked important milestones in the fight against antigypsyism. They strongly encourage Member States to increase their efforts to combat antigypsyism. The Commission is planning to issue a first report assessing the national strategies for Roma equality, inclusion and participation this year.

In addition, with anti-Semitism worryingly on the rise, the Commission adopted the first ever EU strategy on combating anti-Semitism and fostering Jewish life, in October of last year. We are working to prevent all forms of anti-Semitism and combat violent extremism and terrorism targeting Jews and to foster a European society aware of Jewish life, culture and history, past and present and where Jews feel safe.

Member States are invited to develop national action plans against racism and racial discrimination by the end of this year addressing their specific domestic realities while linking to the European mainstream strategies and action plans. To date, 16 Member States either have a stand-alone action plan or have integrated measures on combating racism as an integral part of more general national human rights action plans or other instruments and strategies. A report on the implementation of the national action plans against racism is due by the end of next year.

Equality data disaggregated by racial or ethnic origin are of great importance, of course, as we all know, and this in building effective policies to tackle discrimination. In this context, the Subgroup on Equality Data are made up of representatives from EU Member States and Norway also, the European Commission, Eurostat and FRA help Member States improve the collection and the use of equality data. It has produced key policy documents to step-up efforts such as the non-binding guidelines on improving the collection and use of ethnic and racial equality data presented at the roundtable on equality data held earlier this year.

As to the Commission personnel policy, last year data on the diversity of the Commission staff was for the first time collected via a dedicated, voluntary and anonymous diversity and inclusion survey. Its results are paving the way for evidence-based internal policies and measures under the human resources strategy. A dedicated diversity and inclusion office has been created to oversee the development and implementation of all relevant actions and human resources.

And, finally, the citizens, equality, rights and values programme now has a budget of EUR 1.5 billion, more than double than in the previous cycle. It specifically focuses on the protection and promotion of Union values by providing support to civil society organisations active in this field. Racism and discrimination have no place in our Union of equality. We can and we must put an end to this scourge through joint and comprehensive action across the European Union.


  Seán Kelly, on behalf of the PPE Group.A Uachtaráin, Madam Commissioner, we must listen to those affected and recognise that racism, xenophobia and discrimination are still prevalent in the EU across all Member States. Research from the European Union Fundamental Rights Agency has shown that racism comes in various forms, and unfortunately, harassment and discrimination remain a harsh reality in the daily lives of ethnic minorities and marginalised groups across Europe.

The EU has taken action through its anti-racism action plan, and many sports organisations, including my own, the GAA in Ireland, have introduced programmes such as Show Racism the Red Card. It is vital we do not lose momentum in the fight against racism. The EU needs to develop a comprehensive approach to tackle all forms of racism and discrimination and to ensure that measures to combat racism are implemented effectively.

European values and freedoms should pertain to all people of every race and ethnic group. Our motto has always to be ‘equality, not superiority’. Let’s show racism the red card.


  Juan Fernando López Aguilar, en nombre del Grupo S&D. – Señor presidente, comisaria Dalli, este debate sobre la justicia racial y la estrategia y el plan europeo contra toda forma de discriminación y racismo está muy bien traído, al igual que la ponencia de nuestra compañera Evin Incir.

Usted lo ha dicho, el racismo no tiene ningún lugar en Europa y hay un plan europeo contra el racismo y la discriminación 2020-2025 que incluye un coordinador antirracismo; hasta el momento arroja el preocupante balance de que solo doce Estados miembros han presentado sus planes y tenemos un número muy considerable que aún no ha mostrado ese compromiso.

El otro día debatíamos en el Parlamento Europeo el crecimiento de la extrema derecha y uno de sus rasgos más distintivos: el discurso del odio que conduce al crimen de odio. Por eso, quiero señalar que, además de invertir los fondos necesarios para sostener este plan, es imprescindible que se cumpla el compromiso de —sobre la base jurídica del artículo 83— incorporar a la lista de los eurodelitos el crimen de odio. Crimen de odio: delito europeo incorporado al Código Penal de todos los Estados miembros.


  Maite Pagazaurtundúa, en nombre del Grupo Renew. – Señor presidente, el racismo está prohibido en Europa, pero existe. Por eso estamos aquí. Y no sabemos si los Estados hacen todo lo que pueden. Creemos que no.

El odio social se dirige hacia personas que forman parte de colectivos vulnerables a causa de sus odiadores y definidos principalmente por sus odiadores. Les retiran la individualidad y los diferencian por raza, lengua, ascendente étnico, ideológico, lo que sea.

Se ataca a personas reales sobre la base de prejuicios. Y los que construyen al enemigo basándose en la intolerancia y el prejuicio se consideran a sí mismos víctimas. Es así como se justifican y actualizan la excusa para seguir odiando. Esto es muy importante en esta Cámara porque tenemos una responsabilidad sobre esos discursos. Así justifican la deshumanización del que no les gusta y piensan que ejercen la legítima defensa, pero es falso: son prisioneros de esos prejuicios.

Por ello, no solo legislando se pueden atajar estos comportamientos, pero también es necesario legislar y es necesario que los Estados actúen. Lo ha dicho Juan Fernando López Aguilar: solo doce Estados miembros han presentado planes. Y la Directiva horizontal contra la discriminación está bloqueada en el Consejo desde 2008, señorías. La Decisión para ampliar los delitos de odio es un imponderable y sigue bloqueada. Y Chequia no responde.


  Romeo Franz, im Namen der Verts/ALE-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident, sehr geehrte Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Heute schreiben wir Geschichte. Zum ersten Mal setzen wir in diesem Parlament einen so starken Schwerpunkt auf den Kampf gegen strukturellen Rassismus und Diskriminierung von Minderheiten.

Mit diesem Bericht fordern wir nachdrücklich, die eigentlichen Ursachen von strukturellem Rassismus und Diskriminierung endlich anzugehen. Der Kampf gegen Rassismus muss endlich in der EU angegangen werden. Dafür setzen wir einen wichtigen Meilenstein.

Mit meinen eigenen Augen habe ich in den Wäldern von Lwiw in der Ukraine gesehen, wie Rassismus und Diskriminierung Menschen verhungern lässt. Ich konnte nicht glauben, dass Menschen – darunter eine große Anzahl von Kindern – unter diesen Bedingungen in Europa leben mit einer Lebenserwartung von circa 40 Jahren. Die Reisen in die Ghettos von Tinca in Rumänien oder Kjustendil in Bulgarien, wo massiver Antiziganismus Bürgerinnen und Bürger zu Menschen zweiter Klasse macht, haben mich sehr geprägt. Doch Lwiw war kaum zu beschreiben. Dieses Ausmaß an Entmenschlichung durch Rassismus ist grausame Realität, die durch den Krieg noch verschlimmert wird.

Wir, das Europäische Parlament, dürfen die Schande der Entmenschlichung nicht weiter tolerieren. Nur so können wir unsere Menschlichkeit bewahren. Und dafür setzen wir heute ein Zeichen.


  Gilles Lebreton, au nom du groupe ID. – Monsieur le Président, chers collègues, le racisme et l’antisémitisme sont inacceptables. Chacune de leurs manifestations doit être sanctionnée avec la plus grande sévérité. L’universalisme républicain français et les valeurs de l’Union exigent que les individus soient tous traités de façon égale, indépendamment de leur origine ethnique et de leur couleur de peau. L’égalité de l’homme et de la femme est aussi un principe fondamental, qui doit être défendu sans faiblesse. Toute discrimination, toute violence à l’égard des femmes doit être combattue et réprimée. Les pratiques barbares comme le mariage forcé ou les mutilations génitales doivent être éradiquées et non pas tolérées sous prétexte de respecter des traditions ou des religions.

Le rapport Incir a le mérite de rappeler ces grands principes. Il est hélas dommage qu’il gâche tout en cédant aux outrances du wokisme. Rien n’y manque. Il dénonce pêle-mêle, je cite, le «racisme structurel et institutionnalisé», les «discriminations intersectionnelles», la «violence policière envers les groupes racialisés», les «stéréotypes négatifs aux connotations raciales des médias» et même les «préjugés structurels des systèmes judiciaires», ce qu’il résume dans la formule choc de «justice raciale».

Je dénonce ces accusations ignobles, qui jettent le discrédit sur les États membres de l’Union et notamment sur mon pays, la France. Non, chers collègues, la France n’est pas un État raciste. La justice y respecte pleinement le principe d’égalité. Quant à la police, je rappelle qu’elle travaille sous son contrôle et que chaque faute personnelle d’un policier est réprimée pénalement. Soyons fiers de notre civilisation. Regardons-la en face sans la défigurer.


  Assita Kanko, namens de ECR-Fractie. – Voorzitter, ik sta achter de poging van Evin Incir om het probleem van racisme te benoemen en aan te pakken. Het verslag bevat een aantal zeer belangrijke elementen, waaronder een alinea over vrouwenrechten, en met name vrouwenbesnijdenis, huwelijkse gevangenschap en eerwraak, waaraan ik heb bijgedragen.

Desalniettemin schiet het verslag op een aantal vlakken tekort. Zo krijgen de Europese instellingen hierin een te grote rol toebedeeld op een gebied dat aan de lidstaten toebehoort. Voorts wordt de politie eenzijdig bekritiseerd, terwijl onze politie- en justitiële diensten juist hard werken om de samenleving te beschermen.

Een punt dat mij persoonlijk sterk raakt, is het racisme van lage verwachtingen. Om racisme daadwerkelijk aan te pakken, moeten we ambitieus durven zijn voor iedereen. We zijn immers meer dan onze kleur of ons geslacht. We mogen niet geloven dat we minder kunnen omdat we een kleur hebben.


  Malin Björk, för The Left-gruppen. – Herr talman! Rasismen och diskrimineringen är strukturell i våra samhällen, inte ett undantag. Några exempel på detta är migrations- och flyktingpolitiken. Flyktingar och migranter görs till syndabockar och görs i extremhögerns berättelse till roten till allt ont. Icke-vita människor lämnas till havs utan att få komma i land och söka skydd i Europa. Det är förödande. Det kostar människoliv – och det är rasism.

Vi har också en diskriminerande arbetsmarknad där rasifierade människor utnyttjas. Uppehållstillstånd och familjeåterförening knyts till din anställning och gör att arbetsgivare kan utnyttja rasifierade människor runtom i Europa. Det är rasism.

Vi har polisvåld och vi har rasprofilering. Ni har säkert alla sett det. Det är rasism.

Rasifierade kvinnor utnyttjas på prostitutionsmarknaderna runtom i Europa, utan att någon verkar tycka att det är ett problem att det är just de här kvinnorna som ska köpas av vita män. Det är rasism.

Högern tillsammans med extremhögern för en politik som utarmar arbetarområden i mitt land, Sverige. Bostäder, skolor, utbildning – allting rustas ner när det egentligen måste rustas upp. När sociala problem uppstår skyller extremhögern på människors kultur och människors etnicitet och på människors invandrarbakgrund. De gör det till svart eller vitt. Det är också en form av rasism.

Den antirasistiska kampen för oss i vänstern är också att bygga ett jämlikt samhälle. Vi ställer inte människor mot varandra. Vi bygger ihop samhället. Vi satsar på alla. Och medlemsländerna och EU måste göra mer. Politiken ska motverka hat och hot. Politiken måste få ett stopp på den strukturella diskrimineringen – och politiken måste bygga ihop. Det är vår uppgift.


  Mislav Kolakušić (NI). – Poštovani predsjedavajući, poštovani kolege, poštovani građani Europske unije. Rasizam i diskriminacija su u posljedično - uzročnoj vezi s ilegalnim imigracijama. Kada vam ilegalni imigrant uđe u vašu državu, kršeći sve propise te države i pristane raditi za duplo manje novaca od građanina i starosjedioca Europske unije. Kako će se osjećati ta osoba koja je ostala bez svog radnog mjesta zbog nekoga tko je, ne poštujući i kršeći sve propise te države, ušao u nju.

Ako vam netko provali u kuću i uzme nešto vaše, naravno da ga svaka normalna osoba neće poštovati. Ista je situacija i ovdje. Moramo zaustaviti ilegalne migracije i nećemo imati problema sa rasizmom i sličnim situacijama.


  Peter Pollák (PPE). – Vážený pán predsedajúci, som rád, že Európsky parlament pomenúva, priznáva existenciu praktík inštitucionálneho rasizmu. Sú to praktiky na strane orgánov, ktoré majú v Európskej únii chrániť, vzdelávať či rozvíjať. Neprimerané násilie počas policajných zásahov proti Rómom či iným menšinám, segregácia a neoprávnené umiestňovanie rómskych detí do špeciálnych škôl s mentálnym postihnutím, diskriminácia v oblasti zamestnávania či zdravotnej starostlivosti, nedostatočný prístup k základným potrebám, ako je pitná voda či kanalizácia. To sú len niektoré prípady, ktoré odrážajú realitu dnešných dní, ktorá je často založená na diskriminácii, na etnickom či rasovom princípe. Musíme si uvedomiť, že všetky tieto praktiky nielenže podkopávajú dôstojnosť ľuďom, proti ktorým sú namierené, ale aj maria všetky naše snahy o prosperitu a blahobyt, ako aj vzájomnú súdržnosť a bezpečnosť. Žijeme v časoch mnohých výziev. Ak však chceme tieto výzvy ustáť a posunúť sa vpred, tak rasizmus v našich spoločnostiach jednoducho nesmie byť v žiadnom prípade tolerovaný, a to v záujme nás všetkých.


  Marc Angel (S&D). – Mr President, let me start by thanking Evin Incir for this excellent report on racial justice. And it is right that the report mentions cases of double standards and discrimination at the EU borders based on skin colour, including recently against some people fleeing Russia’s war in Ukraine. Therefore, the call for equal treatment at the European Union’s borders is so important. And this is not only a call of the European Parliament, but also to citizens during the Conference on the Future of Europe, and the Migration Working Group demanded this.

I want to thank Commissioner Dalli for the Commission’s commitment to the Union of Equality. The European Parliament is an ally supporting all the Commission’s equality strategies, be it the anti-racism action plan, the gender and LGBT equality strategy, the EU Roma strategic framework, the disability strategy. We are also an ally when it comes to intersectional discrimination, and it is therefore important not only to address intersectionality in documents and in speeches, but also in EU legislation. And here I urge the Council, which is unfortunately absent today, to stop banning intersectionality. To fight racism and discrimination in the European Union, we need our Member States on board.


  Hilde Vautmans (Renew). – Voorzitter, racisme en discriminatie op grond van ras of etnische afkomst zijn voor miljoenen Europeanen een dagelijkse werkelijkheid. Er zijn zo veel mensen die slecht worden behandeld vanwege hun huidskleur of godsdienst. Zo ook mijn kinderen en man, vanwege hun donkere huidskleur.

Als moeder en politica maak ik mij dan ook grote zorgen over de opmars van extreemrechts in Europa. Zij herinnert mij eraan hoe diepgeworteld racisme en discriminatie zijn in onze maatschappij, hoe individuen erdoor worden ontmenselijkt, hoe mensen erdoor in monsters veranderen en hoe dodelijk haat kan zijn.

Wij moeten opstaan en dringend actie ondernemen. In Europa is geen plaats voor racisme. Het is niet onze afkomst die telt, maar onze toekomst.


  Alice Kuhnke (Verts/ALE). – Herr talman! Rasism och diskriminering är en verklighet som präglar människors hela liv – deras uppväxt, deras skolgång, deras möjligheter och deras vardag. Men rasismen drabbar inte enbart enskilda individer. Den drabbar oss alla, hela samhällen och hela länder. Rasismen står i vägen för utveckling.

Det finns de som lever och agerar i tron att rasism inte är något problem. De har fel. Det visar all forskning och all vår historia. Att låta rasistiska idéer få inflytande i ett lands politik, vilket sker i EU, bland annat i Sverige, är dumt. Det är en kortsiktig, dyrköpt vinst för några få. Rasismen är destruktiv. Den förgör. Därför kommer vi att fortsätta att bekämpa den, överallt och hela tiden.


  Tom Vandendriessche (ID). – Voorzitter, volgens het verslag behoort racisme tot de kern van onze unieke Europese beschaving en is het ingebakken in onze samenleving, en zelfs in wie wij zijn. Hierdoor ontstaat een waar “blankenprobleem”: onze universiteiten, onze bedrijven en onze cultuur zijn te blank en te zwarte gevangenissen, criminaliteit of werkloosheid zijn de schuld van de blanken.

Er is slechts één echte vorm van structureel en systemisch racisme, namelijk positieve discriminatie. Hierbij wordt de oorspronkelijke Europese bevolking structureel en systematisch gediscrimineerd op grond van huidskleur en worden Europeanen tweederangsburgers in eigen land. Dit wordt inclusie en diversiteit genoemd, maar er is niets positiefs aan. Dit is racisme tegen blanken en dit druist in tegen onze Europese waarden.

Alle burgers moeten gelijk zijn voor de wet.


  Patryk Jaki (ECR). – Panie Przewodniczący! Jak zwykle, Szanowni Państwo, w sprawozdaniu o walce z dyskryminacją wśród wielu słusznych postulatów promujecie prawdziwą dyskryminację. Mianowicie na przykład, odwołując się do sprawozdania o praworządności – rzekomej –, gdzie, jak Państwo bardzo dobrze wiecie, jest wprost napisane, że to, co mogą robić w wymiarze sprawiedliwości jedne państwa, inne państwa nie mogą. Sami piszecie, dlaczego – dlatego że mają gorszą kulturę i gorsze tradycje.

Co to jest, jak nie rasizm? Pytam, co to jest, jak nie rasizm? A dyskryminacja finansowa całego narodu, Polski, pod wymyślonymi zarzutami, tylko dlatego, że ludzie wybierają tam inaczej? Że ludzie są bardziej konserwatywni, bronią tradycyjnych wartości, bronią Boga, wolności religijnej, prawdziwej definicji płci? Tylko dlatego są dyskryminowani.

Proszę państwa, jeżeli chcecie walczyć z prawdziwą dyskryminacją, to atakowanie narodu za inne poglądy jest tego absolutną i wypełniającą definicją. Dlatego, zanim będziecie potępiać innych, najpierw warto zwrócić uwagę na siebie.


  Nicolas Bay (NI). – Monsieur le Président, chers collègues, depuis maintenant des décennies le prétendu antiracisme est devenu une véritable religion, destinée à culpabiliser les Européens et à leur faire accepter ce qu’aucun autre peuple n’accepte nulle part sur la planète, c’est-à-dire une immigration massive, anarchique, dont les flux s’amplifient et contre laquelle il est désormais interdit de s’exprimer.

Nous sommes priés de nous pousser et de faire de la place aux nouveaux arrivants, priés de laisser notre histoire être insultée, priés de laisser notre mémoire être effacée, priés de laisser nos peuples être remplacés. Et pendant ce temps, qui est-ce qui bénéficie de la mansuétude des juges, y compris après des dizaines d’interpellations par la police? Qui a droit à quatorze deuxièmes chances? Qui est toujours excusé par les médias et par la gauche? Qui bénéficie de la discrimination positive à l’embauche? Qui a droit à des quotas raciaux à la télévision ou au cinéma? Ce sont bien sûr ces minorités dont vous parlez tant.

Tandis que certaines minorités ethniques, sexuelles ou religieuses ont droit à toutes les attentions, que leurs revendications, y compris les plus incompatibles avec l’intérêt général, sont promues et valorisées, il existe une catégorie qui n’a droit à rien, à part le droit d’être culpabilisée, de s’autoflageller: c’est l’homme européen, blanc, chrétien et hétérosexuel.


  Cyrus Engerer (S&D). – Mr President, it’s incredible the hate that comes out of certain speeches. Two years ago, this parliament declared that ‘Black lives matter’ but, let’s be frank, even judging by the three previous speeches, do ‘Black lives matter’ in our politics, in our policies and in our implementation of them? Are persons of colour, minorities and others only remembered in our thoughts and prayers?

Right now, authorities have the power to discriminate through laws, and we are tired of this systematic racism and discrimination embedded in policies, and ineffective remedies. Big statements are very attractive, but lack of action is deadly. What about the prediction of criminality in minorities due to their immigrant background? This is a human rights violation.

Let us introduce concrete follow—ups to ensure effective implementation. Governments must give the support that many NGOs struggle to give – yet they still do it. Let us ensure equal treatment, distribution of wealth, and let us be the ones to initiate a model of real inclusion and dialogue between citizens.

Colleagues, we do not need preachers and speakers; we need decision—makers and game—changers to address the systemic roots of institutionalised racism – also in this European Parliament!


  Samira Rafaela (Renew). – Mr President, we live in a world where digital surveillance has become common. CCTV and face recognition are part of our daily lives, whether we want it or not.

However, we fail to understand and address how these already uncomfortable circumstances can become very dangerous for members of racialised groups. There is ample evidence that artificial intelligence tools heavily discriminate against black people and people of colour in general, and women of colour in particular.

After all, AI is built by humans and deployed in systems and institutions that have been marked by entrenched discrimination, from law enforcement to housing, to the workplace, to our financial systems. And this racial bias is even in the data used to train the AI data that is often discriminatory or unrepresentative for people of colour, women and other marginalised groups and can rear its head throughout the AI’s design, development, implementation and use.

Therefore, I want to state that the monitoring of racial bias as proposed in this report is not enough. We need a clear directive that specifically states that institutional racism is unlawful. Only then we can make sure that victims of unlawful discrimination get justice.


  Pierrette Herzberger-Fofana (Verts/ALE). – Monsieur le Président, le racisme est une réalité qui affecte une vie entière. Il est contraire à notre plan d’action, que nous avons adopté afin d’abolir toute forme de discrimination au sein de l’Union européenne.

De nombreuses organisations de la société civile nous ont fait part des discriminations dont sont victimes les personnes issues des minorités. Les inégalités de traitement sont toujours plus grandes entre les différents réfugiés qui pourtant fuient la même guerre d’Ukraine: l’intégration et l’accueil dans les pays hôtes sont ainsi refusés aux personnes d’origine africaine tout particulièrement. Des milliers de personnes réfugiées sont confrontées à des procédures administratives lourdes et à une politique migratoire européenne discriminatoire. Certains d’entre eux ont fait état de sévices, et les femmes nous ont confié qu’elles avaient enduré des violences sexuelles durant leur fuite. Cela est inacceptable.

La nationalité, la couleur de la peau, la religion ou encore l’orientation sexuelle ne doivent pas être des critères de sélection, qui sapent la dignité humaine. La mise en œuvre de la législation antidiscriminatoire de l’Union européenne et un soutien financier aux groupes qui combattent le racisme sont nécessaires.

Par ailleurs, une collecte de données – par l’intermédiaire d’un sondage par exemple – justifierait notre action. L’Union européenne doit garantir les valeurs humanistes, qui sont la base de la démocratie et de l’état de droit, dans une approche intersectionnelle.


  Susanna Ceccardi (ID). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, è vero, il razzismo in Europa esiste. Esiste nelle periferie abbandonate, dove i poveri si fanno la guerra per avere un sussidio o una casa popolare. Una battaglia tra gli ultimi, dove chi partecipa non gioca per vincere ma lotta per sopravvivere. È il razzismo del mondo dei vinti.

Esiste però anche un altro razzismo, più subdolo. È il razzismo delle zone a traffico limitato, quello dei radical chic; il razzismo del centro che discrimina i razzisti di periferia; il razzismo di quelli con la macchinetta elettrica da 40 000 euro contro quelli che inquinano con la macchina nel 2005 a diesel che non possono cambiare; il razzismo contro quelli che non hanno il vocabolario inclusivo di chi ha studiato nelle scuole esclusive.

Voi che parlate di "includere" e avete esteso un cordone sanitario nei confronti dei colleghi, qui dentro, che non la pensano come voi. Questa relazione è piena di parole incomprensibili da chi vive ai margini. Loro non vi capiscono e voi non li capite.

Non voteremo questa relazione non perché non condividiamo la lotta al razzismo, ma perché non ne condividiamo l'ipocrisia.

Pier Paolo Pasolini diceva: "Il razzismo è l'odio di classe inconscio". E aveva ragione.


  Laura Ferrara (NI). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, razzismo e pratiche discriminatorie nell'Unione europea rappresentano, per chi ne è vittima, un grande ostacolo al conseguimento di diritti e di opportunità, compromettendo gravemente la dignità umana, il benessere e la sicurezza personale.

Minoranze e gruppi sociali, comprese le persone LGBTQI, continuano a subire diseguaglianze socioeconomiche che incidono in ambito lavorativo e nell'accesso a servizi essenziali riguardanti salute, istruzione, alloggio e giustizia.

A 14 anni dall'adozione della decisione quadro sulla lotta al razzismo e alla xenofobia, non tutti gli Stati membri hanno recepito correttamente le disposizioni per criminalizzare le condotte generate dall'odio e dall'incitamento all'odio. La legislazione europea si sta evolvendo per contrastare tali fenomeni dilaganti anche online, ma ciò non basta.

Il piano di azione dell'Unione europea contro il razzismo dovrebbe avere obiettivi misurabili e meccanismi di follow-up. Cultura e mezzi di informazione dovrebbero avere un ruolo prioritario nel combattere pregiudizi e stereotipi razziali, così come nella promozione dell'uguaglianza e dell'inclusione sociale.

Un'Europa unita nella diversità si costruisce senza intolleranza e discriminazioni.


  Theresa Muigg (S&D). – Herr Präsident, sehr geehrte Kommissarin, liebe Kolleginnen, liebe Kollegen! Auch ich möchte mich als Erstes bei Kollegin Evin Incir für diesen Bericht bedanken.

Das Thema Rassismus und die damit verbundene Diskriminierung, werden im politischen Diskurs häufig zu eindimensional beleuchtet. Rassistische Gewalt und Diskriminierung sind keine individuellen Einzelfälle. Sie sind auch nicht großteils harmlos, und sie dürfen auch nicht instrumentalisiert und umgedeutet werden. Die tatsächlichen Auswirkungen von struktureller und systemimmanenter Diskriminierung sind Realität, und sie werden von rechten Parteien als Grundlage von Ausgrenzung und Spaltung verwendet.

Wir befinden uns in einer Zeit des Umbruchs: Die Nachwirkungen der Coronakrise, die Auswirkungen des unmenschlichen Kriegs – sie werfen Schatten auf die nächsten Jahre.

Es ist jetzt umso wichtiger, dass wir uns gegen jede Form von Ausgrenzung aussprechen. Es ist jetzt der Moment, auf europäischer und auf nationaler Ebene Handlungsschritte zu setzen. Denn wie ernst wir alle mit der europäischen Vielfaltsidee umgehen, wie ernst wir sie nehmen, werden wir daran messen lassen müssen, wie wir als Gesellschaft damit umgehen, wenn sie angegriffen wird – immer und überall.


  Pietro Bartolo (S&D). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, signora Commissaria, da qualche giorno la voce dell'odio contro i migranti si è arricchita di nuovi vocaboli: "sbarchi selettivi" e "carico residuale". Non in riferimento a merci difettose o carne avariata da rispedire al mittente ma per definire i naufraghi, persone a cui veniva vietato di sbarcare in un porto sicuro.

Parole odiose, che assumono un significato ancora più grave se pronunciate da un ministro della Repubblica italiana. Parole che incitano all'odio e alla discriminazione, che contribuiscono a consolidare il razzismo strutturale e istituzionalizzato.

L'Europa è a un bivio. Se vogliamo prendere la strada dei valori e dell'uguaglianza, allora dobbiamo condannare, senza se e senza ma, tutti i comportamenti discriminatori e radicati anche all'interno delle istituzioni e dare seguito a questa risoluzione, e ringrazio la collega Incir, che traccia un binario su cui procedere, un percorso fatto di cultura e politica, formazione e diritto, perché le razze non esistono. Esiste solo il genere umano.


Spontane Wortmeldungen


  Maria Grapini (S&D). – Domnule președinte, doamna comisară, stimați colegi, tema este extrem de importantă pentru umanitate: ură, rasism.

Din punctul meu de vedere, făcând parte dintr-un partid umanist, social-liberal în țara mea, cred că omul trebuie pus în centrul oricărei acțiuni a noastre, a Consiliului, a Comisiei, a Parlamentului, a tuturor.

Dar mă întreb, Consiliul European nu discriminează țara mea, o națiune întreagă, că nu intră România în Schengen, deși întrunește condițiile, deși Parlamentul a votat? Ce exemplu poate să dea Consiliul European atunci când folosește dublă măsură? Ce exemplu poate să dea Comisia când folosește dublă măsură? Și ce exemplu poate să dea Parlamentul atunci când sunt eurodeputați care, iată, și în dezbaterea de astăzi, au stigmatizat o țară întreagă nedând exemplu pozitiv?

Eu aparțin unei majorități, dar mă simt discriminată alături de cetățenii din țara mea, chiar de Consiliul European. De aceea, politicile de discriminare, de eliminare a rasismului și a urii trebuie pornite de aici pentru a da un exemplu cetățenilor și pentru a considera că orice om este important, indiferent de religie, de națiune, de culoare.


  Ana Miranda (Verts/ALE). – Senhor Presidente, a resolução sobre o aumento do neofascismo, da violência neofascista na Europa alertou que vários partidos europeus são abertamente fascistas e xenófobos, incitando ao ódio e à violência na sociedade europeia, como a extrema direita deste Parlamento que acabámos de escutar.

Senhores eurodeputados, ser racista é ser cobarde. Lula, o Presidente eleito do Brasil, diz que o racismo é uma doença e que, como presidente, lutaria contra o racismo; que é importante ter discursos antirracistas em política. O racismo mata, abusa, põe a culpa no outro, paga menos por igual trabalho, usa e abusa, discrimina, usa e maltrata o institucional.

O racismo é um problema europeu. Na Espanha, um em cada quatro jovens admite comportamentos racistas nas redes. Educar para combater o racismo é a nossa obrigação.


  Mick Wallace (The Left). – Mr President, I do not see how we can address the deeply serious topic of racism in the EU with any credibility as long as the EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs publicly espouses some of the most racist sentiments uttered in public for many years.

The billions of people who live where Europe has invaded and butchered millions, plundered and committed genocide, overthrown and murdered revolutionaries, backed brutal dictators, imposed murderous sanctions; where the very same EU institutions that Borrell says distinguish us and them have used financial imperialism to keep brutal colonial power structures in place.

When those who live under the boot of the global capitalist system heard Borrell’s now infamous ‘gardeners in the jungle’ comments, they knew exactly what he meant. They recognised the racism and brutality that Europe was built on and sadly, a mentality that hasn’t gone away.


  Juozas Olekas (S&D). – Gerbiamas pirmininke, gerbiama Komisijos narė. Rasizmas yra ir gėda. Sveikinu Komisijos nusiteikimą tęsti darbą dėl rasinio diskriminavimo panaikinimo. Europos žemynas, išgyvenęs Holokaustą, negali leisti bet kokio diskriminavimo lyties, orientacijos, odos spalvos ar tautiškumo pagrindu. Dabar Europa kenčia ir nuo brutalios karinės Putino agresijos, bet be karinės agresijos, mes matome didžiulę propagandą, Putino propagandą, nukreiptą prieš ukrainiečių tautą. Kai kurios kraštutinės dešiniosios jėgos bando naudotis socialine neapykanta prieš karo pabėgėlius ir skleisti tą propagandą. Gerbiama Komisijos narė, manau, kad mes turime ir toliau stiprinti savo pajėgas, nukreiptas prieš diskriminavimą, ir tą daryti kasdieniame savo darbe, bet taip pat daugiau skirti dėmesio edukacijai, kad mūsų jaunoji karta suprastų, kad visi Europoje galime gyventi taikiai ir vieningi.


(Ende der spontanen Wortmeldungen)


  Helena Dalli, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, thank you honourable Members, as we have heard this morning, racism remains too present I would say in European society and it must be addressed at all levels of governance through different measures and by effectively consulting with relevant stakeholders. I thank Evin Incir and the European Parliament for this important report and for remaining a key and attentive partner in the European Commission’s efforts to fight racism and to deliver a Union of equality for all.

Let us continue our work upon the fundamental principles and values of our European Union to protect its people, to grow stronger, and to shape a better future for generations to come, the European Commission’s efforts to fight racism and to deliver a Union of equality for all. Let us continue our work upon the fundamental principles and values of our European Union to protect its people, to grow stronger, and to shape a better future.


  Evin Incir, rapporteur. – Mr President, I’m not surprised that the far right here in the Parliament gave their intervention and just left this room. This shows what they stand for, and I’m not surprised that the far right are talking against this important report that demands action to end the human rights violations, to end racism that still exists in 2022 in our Union.

It is actually their horrific ideology we are talking about today, an ideology that must be consigned to the dustbin of history. In Hungary, in July, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán made an abhorrent speech criticising the mixing of European and non-European races. Last week, in France, a far right MP was temporarily suspended from the Assemblée nationale after shouting go back to Africa when a black MP was speaking during the debate on migration. The leader of the Sweden Democrats in Sweden has said that Muslims are our biggest foreign threat.

This shows that racism is here and now and present. The EU was built to prevent these kinds of views from winning ground. The EU was built to prevent these people from repeating history. Colleagues, I expected the far right not to be here today or that they would only have their interactions and leave, but I didn’t expect that the Council wouldn’t be here with us today, and that is very shameful.

I want, however, to thank Commissioner Helena Dalli for being with us today and showing leadership in the Commission against these heinous violations of human rights and crimes that are taking place in our Union. I’m happy that we have the first ever anti-racism action plan in place in the EU. However, it needs to reach or be prolonged to post—2025 and it right now lacks proper follow-up mechanisms and measurable targets. We need to strengthen it.

It is a shame that only 12 Member States in the European Union have national action plans against racism in place. They are to be in place before the end of 2022, but only 12 have until now adopted them. And I also want to recall the long-standing call by the EP for the adoption of a horizontal anti-discrimination directive that has been blocked in the EU since 2008.

And finally, colleagues, structural problems require a structural solution. Let’s now move from words to actions. Let’s implement the motto of the European Union – United in diversity – fully.


  Der Präsident. – Die Aussprache ist damit geschlossen. Die Abstimmung findet heute, Donnerstag, 10. November 2022, statt.

Schriftliche Erklärungen (Artikel 171)


  Andrus Ansip (Renew), kirjalikult. – Tehisintellektil põhinevatel süsteemidel on suur sotsiaalne ja majanduslik mõju, kuid need võivad viia ka inimõiguste rikkumiseni ning süvendada struktuurset diskrimineerimist ja ebavõrdsust. Uued tehnoloogilised ja õiguslikud arengud suurandmete algoritmilises analüüsis ja selle kasutamises tekitavad rändekontrollis ja õiguskaitses suurt ennetava politseitegevuse ohtu, mis mõjutab ebaproportsionaalselt teise nahavärviga inimesi, kuna see taasesitab meie ühiskonnas juba olemasolevaid eelarvamusi. Algoritme ei tohi kasutada diskrimineerival viisil. Leian, et sotsiaalmeediaplatvormid on viimastel aastatel oluliselt tõhustanud võitlust rassismi ja diskrimineerimise vastu, kuid seda võitlust tuleb jätkata.


  Pedro Marques (S&D), por escrito. – A palavra é feia, má e desagradável quando é dita. Ainda assim, achei que o uso da palavra repugnante por parte do meu grupo político foi uma boa escolha. Porque quando falo de racismo, essa é uma das primeiras palavras que me ocorre: repugnante. E estamos no momento em que devemos refletir sobre o que se passa à nossa volta: no que lemos, vemos e ouvimos, por exemplo acerca de migrantes e refugiados, especialmente quando não são brancos. No que significa ouvir um Primeiro-Ministro de um país da UE criticar a “mistura” de raças europeias e não europeias. No que significa um Deputado de extrema-direita, da Assembleia Nacional francesa, gritar “volte para a África” quando um outro Deputado, negro, usava da palavra.

Fica aqui registada a minha posição: o racismo é absolutamente repugnante e, neste Parlamento Europeu, tem de ter tolerância zero.

Dernière mise à jour: 10 février 2023Avis juridique - Politique de confidentialité