 Texte intégral 
Procédure : 2022/2005(INI)
Cycle de vie en séance
Cycle relatif au document : A9-0254/2022

Textes déposés :


Débats :

PV 10/11/2022 - 2
CRE 10/11/2022 - 2

Votes :

PV 10/11/2022 - 5.14
CRE 10/11/2022 - 5.14
Explications de votes

Textes adoptés :


Compte rendu in extenso des débats
XML 10k
Jeudi 10 novembre 2022 - Bruxelles

5.14. Justice raciale, non-discrimination et lutte contre le racisme dans l'UE (A9-0254/2022 - Evin Incir) (vote)

– Before the vote on the motion for a resolution as a whole:


  Assita Kanko (ECR). – Madam President, my name is Assita Kanko indeed, and my life was full of seemingly impossible things. If I had listened to all those who said things were impossible, I would not be with you here today as a colleague. Imagine if I had listened to those who told me the path I wanted was too difficult and that I should aim lower. Imagine if I believed them and accepted the low expectation adapted to my case. Then I wouldn’t be here. Then I would have not gone to university. Then I would have zero ambition and accept being a victim simply because I am black. Being black is not a problem. It’s just a detail. That’s why I would like to ask you to support this oral amendment, so that people like me can have bigger dreams:

‘Warns against the racism of low expectations and woke misconceptions that deny people their individual autonomy and instead push people into imagined minorities and majorities and see only racism when human interaction is often much more complex; calls to see people as persons and not to reduce them to one aspect of their identity.’


(Parliament declined to put the oral amendment to the vote)


  Pierrette Herzberger-Fofana (Verts/ALE). – Madame la Présidente, je souhaiterais prendre la parole. Je suis aussi une femme noire, comme Mme Assita Kanko, notre collègue, et je suis horrifiée de ce que je viens d’entendre. Ce n’est pas du tout correct, ce qu’elle vient de dire. Ce n’est pas vrai. Le racisme existe. Nous sommes confrontés à ce racisme en permanence. C’est inadmissible!


  President. – That concludes the vote.

(The sitting was suspended at 11.30)



Dernière mise à jour: 10 février 2023Avis juridique - Politique de confidentialité