 Texto integral 
Processo : 2021/0293(COD)
Ciclo de vida em sessão
Ciclo relativo ao documento : A9-0159/2022

Textos apresentados :


Debates :

PV 24/11/2022 - 2
CRE 24/11/2022 - 2

Votação :

PV 24/11/2022 - 5.5
Declarações de voto

Textos aprovados :


Relato integral dos debates
XML 9k
Quinta-feira, 24 de Novembro de 2022 - Estrasburgo

10.2. Estabelecimento do programa para 2030 intitulado «Guião para a Década Digital» (A9-0159/2022 - Martina Dlabajová)
Vídeo das intervenções

Mündliche Stimmerklärungen


  Seán Kelly (PPE). – A Uachtaráin, the Digital Decade Policy Programme is a key step towards the EU achieving its objectives for the digital transformation of society and the economy. The path to a Digital Decade Programme reinforces the EU’s position as a digital leader and promotes human—centred, inclusive and sustainable digital policies.

The past number of decades has seen significant developments in the internet, the digital economy and electronics, and the Digital Decade Policy Programme will ensure the EU achieves its aims for an inclusive and sustainable digital transformation.

This programme ensures that at least 20 million ICT specialists are employed in the EU by promoting the access of women to this field. The programme will also ensure more than 90% of SMEs in the EU will reach at least a basic level of digital integration.

I am therefore pleased to support the path to a digital decade.

Última actualização: 5 de Abril de 2023Aviso legal - Política de privacidade