 Texte intégral 
Procédure : 2022/2138(INI)
Cycle de vie en séance
Cycle relatif au document : A9-0178/2023

Textes déposés :


Débats :

PV 31/05/2023 - 18
CRE 31/05/2023 - 18

Votes :

PV 01/06/2023 - 6.12
Explications de votes

Textes adoptés :


Compte rendu in extenso des débats
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Mercredi 31 mai 2023 - Bruxelles Edition révisée

18. Harcèlement sexuel dans l’Union européenne et évaluation de MeToo (débat)
Vidéo des interventions

  Die Präsidentin. – Als nächster Punkt der Tagesordnung folgt die Aussprache über den Bericht von Michal Šimečka im Namen des Ausschusses für die Rechte der Frauen und die Gleichstellung der Geschlechter über sexuelle Belästigung in der EU und die Bewertung von MeToo (2022/2138(INI)) (A9-0178/2023).


  Michal Šimečka, rapporteur. – Madam President, Mr Commissioner, dear colleagues, it is indeed a privilege for me to introduce to you this draft report on sexual harassment and MeToo evaluation in the EU, and not just in my capacity as rapporteur, but also as a father of a three year old daughter, and therefore someone who cares deeply about the kind of society and the kind of environment that she and girls across Europe will grow up and live in. Now, our draft presented to you focuses mainly on the situation in the European institutions or in the European Parliament, but it is important to bear in mind the wider context and culture where harassment is still prevalent in many of our societies. And the problem, of course, is quite clear if you look at the figures and, although sexual harassment and harassment as such affects all Europeans, 90% of victims are women. And 55% of women in the EU have been sexually harassed at least once since the age of 15. And much has been spoken about and written about this issue especially, and thanks to the MeToo movement more than six years ago. But words, colleagues are not enough and we must do more to eliminate any and all forms of harassment. And we owe it to the victims, not just here in Parliament, but across the continent. And we owe it to the next generation of Europeans.

Now, I would, at this point, like to thank so much all the shadow rapporteurs, all the policy advisers, the assistants and the external experts, because this is a joint product and it is a product of a very constructive work both before and during the vote in committee. The draft report addresses all the core issues and indeed has carried a broad majority in the committee with no one voting against it. And I am especially glad that most of the groups and all the democratic groups have cooperated on this report and that we’ve been able to find a consensus that can bring us closer to an EU free of sexual harassment.

I should also add that this is not the first resolution of this kind in this mandate. And it is true that many of the commitments from previous resolutions, commitments we have made to the victims here in the European Parliament, and indeed to all Europeans, to combat all forms of gender-based violence, that many of the commitments are yet to be fulfilled. And with this report we hope to close that gap. We propose several clear and easy or quick to implement solutions first and foremost. We as Parliament should put in place zero-tolerance policies that reflect the pain suffered by those who are subject to harassment or abuse. And the draft contains also many other measures, recommendations on anti harassment measures to the European Parliament, to the institutions, but also to Member States governments.

I personally think that the crucial aspect and the crucial thing, at least here in Parliament, but more broadly, is to break the silence of the victims who need our complete protection and support. Because, as we all know, cases here in the European Parliament are still under-reported, which means that existing both formal and informal channels of reporting need to be strengthened because – and this is also why it is important that we focus on the European Parliament – the EU institutions must lead by example here.

I understand and I know that it is not always easy to implement systemic change. It is seems difficult at the beginning, but I’m glad to see that many bodies and colleagues here in the European Parliament are working on this, the advisory committees, the Quaestors, the High Level Group on Equality, the EP’s own Bureau, but also the working committee in AFCO are engaged in this work and are carrying it forward. And I really do hope that by endorsing this report with a strong majority, we can help end discrimination and gender-based violence here in Parliament and in Europe. Thank you so much.


  Johannes Hahn, Member of the Commission. – Madam President, today’s debate is a very timely one, as tomorrow the Council will finalise the EU accession process to the Istanbul Convention of the Council of Europe, which aims at preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence. I take this occasion to congratulate this House for the essential role it played throughout the process.

The scope of the EU accession also covers the EU public administration. EU institutions, agencies and bodies will need to implement the gold standards of the convention. The finalisation of this process gives additional impetus to the ongoing review of the policy on preventing all forms of harassment, including sexual harassment in the Commission.

This review was identified as a key priority in the Commission’s new HR strategy adopted last year in order to apply and further enforce a zero tolerance policy to harassment and ensure a trust—based, inclusive and respectful workplace in line with European values. The review is an opportunity for a large—scale listening exercise and has brought the topic to the fore.

In spring 2021, we polled staff to better understand their views on harassment, but also the experiences of the support services we offer. We have also spoken to stakeholders across the Commission that represent different groups of staff, including LGBTQI staff groups, representing staff from minority backgrounds, senior and middle management staff and trainees.

At the same time, we have engaged in official discussions on the Commission’s proposals with staff representatives. Since the start of 2023, we have had detailed discussions with them. This has given us a better insight into particular concerns, including work on prevention as well as on the safeguards that are needed in any redress process.

This wide—ranging dialogue with staff has had two results. One has been to provide us with valuable insights and input into the different texts that make up the review. The second has been to help open up the debate around the subject. Today’s debate is therefore important because it frames the issue in a broader political context.

The Commission has a clear position against harassment and is committed to a zero tolerance approach. We are clear in our support for victims of harassment and we are equally clear that those responsible must be held accountable for their actions.

Our focus has been to continue to work on support processes that are closer to victims through a victim—centred approach. We encourage and empower victims to come forward. Without reporting and creating safe spaces to do so, we cannot begin the process of ensuring that those responsible are held accountable.

We believe that staff should continue to be able to have a choice between pursuing both formal and informal means of redress. The formal process involves the appointing authority, where possible disciplinary measures and sanctions. The informal aims to pursue accountability by other means, such as dialogue and conciliation.

Whichever avenue is chosen, all processes must be fair, robust and equitable. Whatever the process, we will also be careful that it cannot be abused. Our aim must be to help staff make a choice about which method best suits their needs by explaining in plain language how the different redress mechanisms work, how they are organised and what result staff can expect.

We continue to believe that confidential counsellors are an important element of support to staff. We are encouraged by those voices that confirm this choice, including those from Parliament and from the European Ombudsman. Anti—harassment training must continue to be open to all staff and offer spaces that are safe and supportive. More vulnerable populations like trainees can benefit from specific training events.

While the different EU institutions have their own policies on fighting harassment, it is also important that we continue to exchange our experiences about the different ways of tackling this phenomenon and ensuring that the Istanbul Convention standards are met so we can build a unity of equality free from violence by starting here at home.


  Ewa Kopacz, w imieniu grupy PPE. – Pani Przewodnicząca! Szczególnie chciałam podziękować panu posłowi przewodniczącemu Šimečce za takie bardzo rzetelne i kompleksowe przedstawienie sprawozdania. Pozwólcie Państwo, że dodam jeszcze kilka uwag.

Zmieniają się zwyczaje, ewoluuje też nasza wrażliwość. Co więcej, zmieniają się też narzędzia służące opresorom do molestowania i naruszenia godności. Statystyki są przerażające. Co druga kobieta w Europie była ofiarą jakiejś formy molestowania, a jedną z głównych przyczyn prób samobójczych młodzieży jest hejt i molestowanie w mediach społecznościowych.

Jako Parlament Europejski mamy obowiązek, by odnieść się do zagrożeń dotykających tak wielkiej grupy, przede wszystkim naszych wyborców, jak i tych, dla których Parlament Europejski jest miejscem pracy, przede wszystkim kobiet, ale przecież nie tylko. Molestowanie jest przecież formą przemocy i naruszenia godności o bardzo wielu twarzach. Jedna rzecz nie budzi wątpliwości, musimy być jako Parlament Europejski wzorem, zarówno gdy idzie o naszą wiedzę, przygotowanie, jak i skuteczność procedur.

Szanowni Państwo! Molestowanie to atak na godność człowieka. Molestowanie potrafi zaburzyć na lata poczucie bezpieczeństwa ofiary. Pozwólcie Państwo, że zarekomenduję przyjęcie tego sprawozdania, ale nie tylko. Proszę również o poważną refleksję nad tym, jak każdy z nas może się temu zjawisku przeciwstawić.


  Carina Ohlsson, för S&D-gruppen. – Fru talman! Kommissionär! “If all women who have been sexually harassed or assaulted wrote ‘Me too’ as a status, we might give people a sense of the magnitude of the problem.” #metoo.

Kvinnors mod och deras berättelser skakade om oss och tvingade oss att konfrontera verkligheten, och det med all rätt. Mycket har gjorts sedan dess, men långt ifrån tillräckligt. Det krävs en lagstiftning som på riktigt ger skydd och stöd till dem som drabbas av sexuella trakasserier samt ett tydligt arbetsgivaransvar som skyddar anställda från trakasserier.

Men låt oss vara tydliga med att ansvaret ligger på oss alla. Vi måste utmana och ifrågasätta de strukturer, attityder och normer som accepterar sexuella trakasserier. Vi måste vara medvetna om vår egen makt och använda den för att skapa en förändring.

Jag är stolt över betänkandet som vi nu arbetat fram. Nu gäller det att vi går från ord till handling, så att betänkandets innebörd också efterlevs i praktiken. Först då stärker vi kvinnors rätt till ett liv fritt från våld.


  Terry Reintke, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. – Madam President, 2017: it has almost been six years since reports hit the European Parliament about sexual harassment. Colleagues, I don't know how you feel about it, but I think we have wasted enough time because the demands in this resolution are very similar to the ones that we already adopted six years ago. There are demands to reform and to fight against sexual harassment here in the European Parliament, like, for example, mandatory harassment training, where right now we have a situation where not even half of the members of this parliament have done these harassment trainings, external audits to improve the situation, with independent experts looking at what we can do for a zero-tolerance policy, and a reform of the obviously dysfunctional complaints structures that we have here in the European Parliament. If I'm being honest, I really start losing patience. We have to stop only talking and adopting resolutions and we have to start acting.


  Margarita de la Pisa Carrión, en nombre del Grupo ECR. – Señora presidente, señorías, todos estamos de acuerdo en que se debe velar porque el acoso no tenga espacio en nuestras instituciones. No obstante, no confío en que cursillos obligatorios para adultos y sanciones para quien no los haga u otras medidas con perspectiva de género vayan a ser positivas, más bien, incluso, lo contrario.

La ideología de género promueve un ambiente enrarecido de desconfianza y confusión. Solo entiende el enfrentamiento, lo que no ayuda, para nada, a una convivencia armoniosa.

En este informe se defiende un comportamiento ejemplar dentro de las instituciones. Pero les invito a la reflexión sobre si la exclusión que existe en este Parlamento hacia determinados grupos políticos merece esta consideración. Lo he vivido en primera persona por defender la voz de mis votantes y llevar a cabo mi actividad de diputada. Todos somos responsables del ambiente de respeto que merece esta Cámara.




  Christine Anderson, im Namen der ID-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident! Frauen vor sexueller Belästigung zu schützen – absolute Zustimmung. Dazu wird diese Initiative Plus keinen Beitrag leisten. Ganz im Sinne des fortgesetzten Massenimports einer bunten, toleranten, vielfältigen, vor allem aber frauenfeindlichen Multikulti-Kultur wird der Arbeitsplatz als Ort des Schreckens für Frauen ins Visier genommen.

Weit gefehlt! In den Freibädern, auf öffentlichen Straßen, Plätzen, in Bus und Bahn werden Frauen aufs Übelste sexuell belästigt, begrapscht, vergewaltigt und geschändet. Kein Wunder, denn das sind die Orte, an denen sich die schutzsuchenden Goldstücke den lieben langen Tag tummeln, um ihrem frauenverachtenden Tagesgeschäft nachzugehen.

Sie wollen Frauen schützen? Dann schließen Sie endlich die Grenzen, unterbinden Sie den Massenimport dieser brutalen und rohen sexuellen Gewalt an Frauen. Wenn das getan ist, dann können wir uns gerne mal darüber unterhalten, ob die Einladung zu einem Kaffee am Arbeitsplatz tatsächlich sexuelle Belästigung ist oder nicht einfach nur Höflichkeit unter Kollegen.


  Eugenia Rodríguez Palop, en nombre del Grupo The Left. – Señor presidente, el acoso es una vulneración de derechos humanos que deteriora la salud física, psicológica y sexual de las personas, su autoestima y su entorno; impide que las víctimas accedan al mercado de trabajo, permanezcan en él o progresen profesionalmente, sobre todo si son mujeres.

Una vulneración de derechos que apenas se denuncia, entre otras cosas, porque está normalizada, porque se usan estereotipos que culpabilizan a las víctimas, por miedo a las represalias, a la revictimización o a la pérdida del trabajo. Una conducta que se sigue viendo hoy como un problema particular de quien la sufre.

El Parlamento Europeo no es un lugar seguro, y las medidas adoptadas hasta el momento son insuficientes. Llevamos años pidiendo formación obligatoria, auditorías externas, más datos y mayor transparencia, procedimientos más cortos, asesores confidenciales, mediadores externos, sanciones contundentes… y aquí seguimos.

Apenas conocemos nada de lo que pasa en nuestros pasillos y despachos porque demasiadas veces hay una estructura de poder anquilosada que se sostiene sobre el abuso, el silencio y la impunidad; pero no hay mal que cien años dure. Pueden estar seguros de que vamos a acabar con ella.


  Evelyn Regner (S&D). – Mr President, two years ago we were standing here and talking exactly about the same topic, talking about MeToo in the European Union institutions. Since then, we have launched two internal procedures in the European Parliament, thanks to the perseverance of a few people who I really would like to applaud for their efforts.

In fact, it was actually five years, and not only two, since MeToo was first debated in this chamber. So you see, the resistance is still big from some within this House, from some people who are in power positions and do not see a need for changing the rules. So let me say to all those blocking people, this is about respect. Anyone can be affected by harassment. We all should be protected in cases of harassment. But even more so, we should be able to work without such a violation of our human rights. We all have a right to a safe and healthy workplace. We, the European Parliament, should be an example for other institutions with our anti-harassment measures as well as gender action plans.

It’s high time we really treat each other respectfully and it’s high time we eradicate any form of harassment and have actions follow our often-repeated words.


  Johan Nissinen (ECR). – Herr talman! Jag vill börja med att tacka alla modiga kvinnor som trädde fram under metoo. Vi kan nu prata öppet om sexuella trakasserier och det är tack vare er. Sexuella trakasserier är betydligt vanligare i samhället och mer accepterat i samhället än vad många tror.

Jag hade hoppats på att det här betänkandet skulle lyfta det på en bredare front, men tyvärr blev det kidnappat av vänstern, och de har inte förstått någonting alls, som vanligt. Sexuella trakasserier handlar inte bara om män i maktställning som trakasserar kvinnor. Blir en man tagen på rumpan på arbetsplatsen eller taget på könet på ett uteställe av en kvinna, är det totalt socialt accepterat av samhället. Det anses som något löjligt om en man rapporterar det här. Precis som det var för kvinnor före metoo. Det är precis likadant inom hbtq-samhället, om inte ännu värre.

Sexuella trakasserier förekommer överallt, och det är fel oavsett vem som utför det. Därför är det viktigt att vi fokuserar på just det här och jobbar tillsammans över partigränserna för att skapa förändring på riktigt.


Catch-the-eye procedure


  Mónica Silvana González (S&D). – Señor presidente, el informe que hoy debatimos, además del acoso sexual, hace referencia al acoso laboral y al acoso psicológico: sobre ello creo que existe una línea roja que no debemos confundir entre el acoso sexual y moral, y esto debe quedar muy claro. Pero creo que es necesario humanizar esta institución, proporcionando tanto a los diputados como al personal oportunidades seguras e informales de ser escuchados mediante una asistencia confidencial, independiente e imparcial a través de medios informales como el coaching, la diplomacia, los debates facilitadores y los servicios de mediación que hoy no existen.

Son los APA y a veces los políticos, quienes juzgan sin formación específica. Quizás sea necesario dotarnos de un servicio de mediación como el que ya funciona en otras instituciones internacionales, las cuales disponen de un servicio con órganos independientes externos. Es urgente que este Parlamento proporcione estos servicios alternativos de resolución de conflictos para hallar puntos de encuentro. Este servicio debería facilitar la comunicación entre las partes de un conflicto. Si no lo hacemos, si seguimos aplicando la dirección de la Mesa del año 2018, de seis años atrás —hecha con prisas para responder al movimiento #MeToo—, muchas de las víctimas reales seguirán sufriendo los actos de sus victimarios impunes y el derecho de la legítima defensa seguirá ausente.


  Pierrette Herzberger-Fofana (Verts/ALE). – Monsieur le Président, le mouvement MeToo fondé par Tarana Burke en 2006 pour soutenir et renforcer les jeunes femmes afro-américaines qui ont survécu à la violence sexuelle s’est répandu dans le monde entier. Ainsi, de nombreuses victimes ont pris la parole pour briser le silence en racontant leurs histoires de violences sexuelles. Ces témoignages ont conduit à de nouvelles politiques et législations pour prévenir et combattre toute forme de harcèlement sexuel, sans oublier le harcèlement sur le lieu de travail.

Les formations de prévention contre le harcèlement au sein du Parlement pour les députés et le personnel ont un caractère facultatif. Il faudrait les rendre obligatoires afin que la question du harcèlement soit prise au sérieux. Le harcèlement est un délit qui affecte la santé et met en jeu la sécurité des femmes qui en sont les principales cibles. C’est une violation de leur dignité.

Si certains États membres condamnent et punissent avec de lourdes peines le harcèlement, cette mesure devrait s’appliquer dans toute l’Union européenne. Une criminalisation du harcèlement à titre de violences sexuelles ou morales serait un premier pas vers une législation commune, conformément à la convention d’Istanbul qui va être ratifiée. La collecte de données intersectionnelles sur le harcèlement et la violence dans l’Union européenne pourrait contribuer à améliorer la prévention en cours et l’aide aux victimes. L’Union européenne et ses institutions doivent mettre en œuvre les recommandations de la résolution. Nous voulons atteindre une tolérance zéro au sein de notre Parlement.


  Ladislav Ilčić (ECR). – Poštovani predsjedavajući, poštovane dame i gospodo, temeljni uzrok ovog groznog nasilja nad ženama je taj što mnogi muškarci kod žena gledaju samo tijelo, a ignoriraju osjećaje, stavove i druge aspekte osobnosti.

I umjesto da cijelo društvo provodi programe koji promoviraju cjelovitost ljudske osobe, cjelovitost žene, dostojanstvo žene, mnogi od vas koji podržavaju projekt Me too ustvari sprečavaju te dobre programe, a promoviraju čudne društvene koncepte poput rodne ideologije, koji upravo ugrožavaju tu cjelovitost žene jer odvajaju tijelo od ostalih aspekata osobnosti.

Vi na taj način, ustvari, povećavate mogućnost za nasilje nad ženama i to vam pokazuju loši rezultati Istanbulske konvencije. Dakle, osuda ovog strašnog nasilja nad ženama nam je zajednička, ali različiti su nam načini borbe protiv tog nasilja. Vaš način očito ne donosi rezultate. Preispitajte ga.


  Maria Grapini (S&D). – Domnule președinte, sigur, cei care sunt mai vechi în Parlament știu că se discută de ani de zile: toleranță zero la hărțuire, la hărțuire sexuală. Problema nu este că o să votăm, pentru că sunt convinsă că se va vota această rezoluție, dar ce facem cu rezoluția? Câte rezoluții n-am mai votat noi și nu s-a întâmplat nimic? Nu s-a schimbat nimic. Aici avem nevoie să răspundem: cum identificăm hărțuitorii, ce se întâmplă cu ei, care sunt pedepsele? Să pornim de la definiție. Eu sunt convinsă că acum conceptul de hărțuire sexuală este înțeles diferit de multă lume de aici.

Cum facem să nu avem victime? Ce facem cu statisticile (care, să știți, sunt departe de realitate)? Pentru că, dacă o femeie nu recunoaște că este hărțuită, sigur că statistica arată jumătate din femei. Sunt convinsă că mai mult. Eu cred că trebuie să trecem la fapte și trebuie să vedem măsuri concrete. Pe de o parte, aici, în instituțiile europene, evident, după aceea să extindem problema pentru a avea odată diminuare. Eu nu sunt... eu sunt realistă. Nu cred că o vom elimina total, dar măcar să diminuăm hărțuirea, pentru că este acum o situație extrem de gravă.


(End of catch-the-eye procedure)


  Johannes Hahn, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, I welcome the debate on this important aspect of our responsibilities as employers and the opportunity to listen to different viewpoints and perspectives.

The changes we have seen in the way we work post-COVID have brought with it new challenges. But the phenomenon of harassment has shown that it is able to adapt also to the digital environment. This will require employers to adapt and modernise our respective toolboxes to tackle the phenomenon of harassment.


  Michal Šimečka, rapporteur. – Mr President, I’ll be really brief, and I’d like to reiterate my thanks to the shadow rapporteurs and everyone who worked on this report, and also thanks to everyone who participated in this debate. I want to add one more thank you, which I forgot in the in the first intervention, and that is to the MeToo activists here in the European Parliament and beyond for keeping the issue on the agenda.

Now, also to speakers who voiced criticism and who might perhaps not vote in support of the draft report, I would say that it is perhaps better to think less in terms of ideological frameworks and more in terms of the victims and the pain and the suffering that they are going through, and what can we do in practical terms. The report has a lot of it. What can we do to minimise that pain and to minimise the number of victims, at least here in the European Parliament.

I share the frustration with many of you who’ve mentioned that we’ve been here before, we’ve had similar reports before and we’ve heard similar statements before. My only reply to that would be that the stronger the majority for this report and for the recommendation that it contains, the stronger the political pressure for those who can enact those changes to actually do so.

Finally, just remarking if people who are watching this debate and who might have been subject to sexual or psychological harassment, I would ask you to speak up and Parliament will stand by you.


  President. – Thank you for your remarks. The debate is closed. The vote will be held tomorrow.

Written statements (Rule 171)


  Rosa Estaràs Ferragut (PPE), por escrito. – La igualdad de género es un valor fundamental de la Unión Europea y debe extenderse a todas nuestras políticas. Combatir la violencia contra las mujeres y la violencia de género es una prioridad absoluta de la Unión.

El acoso es una forma absoluta de violencia de género. Existen casos de acoso sexual en las instituciones europeas y por eso necesitamos combatirlo. Para ello es necesario lo siguiente: primero, un llamamiento a los Estados miembros para ratificar el Convenio de Estambul; segundo , la adopción de la Directiva sobre la violencia contra las mujeres, a fin de que el acoso se considere un eurodelito y se le dé una definición común y coordinada para poder luchar conjuntamente; y tercero, intensificar todas las medidas que hemos aprobado en el Parlamento en cuanto a la formación obligatoria, al refuerzo de los comités, a la red de asesores para poder prevenir y sensibilizar, para que el objetivo sea siempre romper el acoso normalizado, denunciar y castigar a los culpables, apoyar a las víctimas, agilizar los procedimientos de denuncia, evitar la estigmatización de las víctimas y aplicar sanciones más estrictas. Como legisladores y empleadores debemos dar ejemplo.

Gracias a #MeToo hemos avanzado, pero queda mucho camino por recorrer.


  Sylwia Spurek (Verts/ALE), na piśmie. – Mamy 2023 rok, a kobiety doświadczają molestowania seksualnego w miejscu pracy, w służbach mundurowych, w sklepach, na ulicy, na uczelniach, w codziennych sytuacjach. Wiele kobiet powiedziało i mówi: metoo. Ale jest wiele kobiet, które nadal boją się lub wstydzą się to powiedzieć, nadal nigdzie nie zgłasza przemocy, jakiej doświadczyły. Pilnie potrzebujemy systemu, który pryncypialnie stoi po stronie ofiar, który daje im wsparcie i poczucie bezpieczeństwa, w którym ofiary nie boją się i nie wstydzą się zgłaszać przypadków molestowania. Pilnie potrzebujemy także takiego systemu, w którym aktywną rolę w zwalczaniu przemocy będą odgrywać mężczyźni. Bo przemoc ma płeć. Nie wszyscy mężczyźni molestują, ale większość sprawców to mężczyźni. W 82% przypadków molestowania seksualnego wobec kobiet sprawcą jest mężczyzna. Dlatego to do chłopców należy kierować działania edukacyjne, antydyskryminacyjne i antyprzemocowe od najmłodszych lat. Dlatego mężczyźni zamiast czuć się obrażeni czy zaatakowani „metoo”, powinni zrozumieć, że to nasza wspólna sprawa – i kobiet, i mężczyzn, i powinni wziąć odpowiedzialność za problem.

Dernière mise à jour: 20 septembre 2023Avis juridique - Politique de confidentialité