 Πλήρες κείμενο 
Διαδικασία : 2021/0419(COD)
Διαδρομή στην ολομέλεια
Διαδρομή του εγγράφου : A9-0265/2022

Κείμενα που κατατέθηκαν :


Συζήτηση :

PV 02/10/2023 - 15
CRE 02/10/2023 - 15

Ψηφοφορία :

PV 03/10/2023 - 9.4

Κείμενα που εγκρίθηκαν :


Πληρη πρακτικα των συζητησεων
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Δευτέρα 2 Οκτωβρίου 2023 - Στρασβούργο Αναθεωρημένη έκδοση

15. Ευφυή συστήματα οδικών μεταφορών (συζήτηση)
Βίντεο των παρεμβάσεων
Συνοπτικά πρακτικά

  Presidente. – L’ordine del giorno reca la relazione di Rovana Plumb, a nome della Commissione per i trasporti e il turismo, sulla proposta di direttiva del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio che modifica la direttiva 2010/40/UE sul quadro generale per la diffusione dei sistemi di trasporto intelligenti nel settore del trasporto stradale e nelle interfacce con altri modi di trasporto (COM(2021)0813 - C9-0471/2021 - 2021/0419(COD)) (A9-0265/2022).


  Rovana Plumb, rapporteur. – Madam President, dear Commissioner, dear colleagues, in the not so distant future, we can imagine that highly automated vehicles will share public space with various drones, but also vehicles with low automation levels.

In such a world, traffic will be a challenge. These vehicles will need to be aware of each other’s position, direction and speed. They will need to trust each other in order to avoid very literally bumping into each other. This requires direct communication between different actors instantly and at any time. The first cars equipped for such a world are entering the European market right now, and the road operators are preparing their roads and starting to equip them for these new circumstances.

The ITS Directive is part of a package of legislative initiatives aimed at contributing to reaching the goals of decarbonisation, digitalisation and a greater resilience in transport infrastructure. This directive was designed to be the framework for accelerating and coordinating the deployment and use of the ITS applied to road transport and its interfaces with other transport modes. A radical reform of the legislative framework was necessary to step up to the challenge of the current technological developments.

We succeeded to reach an agreement on the ITS Directive on the second and last trilogue on 8 June this year. This result was reached due to the substantial evolution in the Council’s position since the first trilogue in December last year. Thanks to this work, to the valuable support and cooperation from the Commission and to the unity and ambition of the Parliament’s negotiating team, we were able to successfully close this negotiation.

The most important elements obtained during the last trilogue are: the types of data and services to be made available are set out in Annex III and IV of the directive. Attached to all these data types are now deadlines by which all new information should be made available. Many data types also have a deadline for the stock of older data to be made available.

In certain cases, for the data that are the most difficult to collect, the text still foresees the possibility to have delegated acts to define the deadline for the stock data. To be able to set deadlines, the text establishes differentiated geographical scopes for the different data types and sometimes within data types. For example, road closure should be made available by the end of 2025 for the TEN-T core network and by the end of 2026 for the comprehensive TEN-T network.

Finally, the text introduces a review clause in 2028.

We are aware that many people expected even more, but, despite the very narrow mandate of the Council, we were able to secure some additional gains during the trilogue, mainly focused on safety issues, in particular the speed limits and the parking spaces.

We were able to obtain the following: on some data types, the Council had introduced a threshold of 8 500 vehicles for some primary roads and roads in urban nodes to be included. Parliament managed to lower this threshold to 7 000 vehicles for the roads concerned in urban nodes, therefore enlarging the geographical scope for several data types, including, but not limited to, speed limits.

Regarding the dynamic data on availability of parking places, we obtained one year earlier implementation: instead of 31 December 2028, it will be 31 December 2027.

Finally, we obtained the addition of a new recital encouraging Member States to make data accessible as soon as possible also for parts of the road network that are not within the geographical scope defined in Annex III.

Dear colleagues, the agreement reached will contribute to citizens’ safety on more secure roads, to significant improvements in performance of transport networks, operations and services, while fostering connectivity and facilitating cooperation. Moreover, it initiates a process that will facilitate a faster deployment of intelligent transport systems.

I would like to thank all shadow rapporteurs, the EP and the S&D secretariat, the Council and the European Commission for a very, very good collaboration towards a balanced and satisfactory text on this file.


  Nicolas Schmit, Member of the Commission. – Madam President, honourable Members, on behalf of Commissioner Vălean, I would like to congratulate and thank the co-legislators on reaching an agreement on this important file, and especially also the rapporteur.

The revision of the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) Directive is a key instrument in advancing the digitalisation of transport. My gratitude goes to the rapporteur, Madam Plumb, and her shadow rapporteurs for making the agreement possible.

One of the main challenges are the twin transitions. The Union has responded with the European Green Deal and the sustainable and smart mobility strategy.

One of the quickest ways to reduce emissions is to enable passengers and freight to use the most efficient combination of transport modes to complete their journey. For this to happen, we need a well-coordinated transport system, and information must be available to all consumers and businesses. And in that sense, the digital revolution is already helping us in this endeavour.

But, to reach our digital aims, there is one thing that we need more than anything else, and that is data. Data is not always available, however, or it is of poor quality. And while the situation has improved over the last years, we still have a long way to go.

This is precisely the challenge we want to address with this important piece of legislation. We want to accelerate the availability of data. To be able to make transport smarter today and support automated vehicles tomorrow, the revision of the ITS Directive will require the mandatory collection of crucial data.

Concerning the cost, the benefits to businesses and end consumers far outweigh these costs and EU funding is already available to support data collection efforts.

The directive will also accelerate the deployment of cooperative ITS (C-ITS). 2019 saw the first European vehicles equipped with C-ITS as standard. This is a huge milestone.

The Commission will continue to play its part, notably in the single trust domain that allows everybody in the Union to safely exchange messages and make transport safer for all.

Digitalisation is happening and we should make sure to reap all of its potential and remain among the global leaders in the field of transport. Thanks to the revision of the ITS Directive, our joint efforts will immediately make a difference for all our citizens.

Making more data available will inevitably improve the quality of services to transport users and provide everybody with more accurate information to guide all of us safely on our journeys. I am thinking about speed limits, access restrictions, but also roadworks and any other events that could present a dangerous situation to drivers.

We have not forgotten safe and secure car parks, which are critical to improving resting conditions for professional drivers and to protecting them from violence and cargo crime.

I am particularly pleased we have managed to include all access nodes for all scheduled modes on the entire transport network of the EU. That is a precondition and a key enabler for advancing multimodal transport.

To be smarter, we need to share more. We should share our visions, our ambitions, but, above all, share our data, share services and, of course, share rides and vehicles.

Parliament’s vote on the new ITS directive tomorrow is therefore of real importance.


  Ralf Seekatz, im Namen der PPE-Fraktion. – Frau Präsidentin, Herr Kommissar! Es ist völlig klar: Wenn wir unsere ambitionierten Ziele zur CO2-Reduktion einhalten wollen, muss auch der Personen- und Güterverkehr seinen Teil dazu beitragen und emissionsärmer werden.

Damit der Sektor dieses Ziel erreichen kann, müssen wir als Politik die richtigen und vor allen Dingen technologieneutralen Rahmenbedingungen schaffen. Ganz konkret heißt das, dass wir den Aufbau eines vernetzten Mobilitätssystems ermöglichen müssen. Hierzu gehört es, den Einsatz von intelligenten Verkehrssystemen zu stärken und auch entsprechend zu fördern.

Die Vorteile solcher Systeme liegen auf der Hand: Verkehrsflüsse und die Verkehrssicherheit werden verbessert, die Kosten werden gesenkt und die Multimodalität wird gestärkt. Leider haben noch immer einige Mitgliedstaaten ihre Verpflichtungen, insbesondere zu nationalen Zugangsstellen, nur mangelhaft umgesetzt. So können weder Unternehmen noch Bürger von diesem System profitieren. Es ist deshalb gut, dass sich das Europäische Parlament in den Verhandlungen mit den Mitgliedstaaten behaupten konnte. Wo Mitgliedstaaten die Digitalisierung des Verkehrssektors erneut auf die lange Bank schieben wollten, haben wir uns dafür stark gemacht, endlich die digitale Transformation anzugehen und gleichzeitig die Sicherheit, Nachhaltigkeit und Effizienz unserer Verkehrssysteme entsprechend zu verbessern.

Dank der nun überarbeiteten Richtlinie werden wir in der Lage sein, die Integration und Kombinierbarkeit verschiedener Verkehrsträger voranzutreiben und die Entwicklung von Technologien wie Fahrzeug-zu-Fahrzeug-Kommunikation, Echtzeitdatenverkehr, intelligente Ampelsysteme und automatisierte Verkehrskontrollen zu fördern. So reduzieren wir Staus, verkürzen die Reisezeiten und erhöhen gleichzeitig die Sicherheit auf den Straßen – ein wirklicher Erfolg, von dem sicherlich alle profitieren werden.


  Thomas Rudner, im Namen der S&D-Fraktion. – Frau Präsidentin, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Die digitale Mobilitätswende ist ein zentraler Baustein zum Erreichen unserer Klimaschutzziele. Zwei Erkenntnisse müssen wir in den Vordergrund stellen. Zum einen basiert vernetzte und automatisierte Mobilität auf Daten. Zum anderen muss der Verkehr digitaler werden, um Mobilität sicherer, effizienter und nachhaltiger zu gestalten. Mit dieser Richtlinie zu intelligenten Verkehrssystemen werden wir Datensammlungen vervollständigen und allen zur Verfügung stellen.

Dem Europäischen Parlament ist es gelungen, in den Verhandlungen mit dem Rat weitere wichtige Straßen- und Verkehrsdaten für die Online-Nutzung einzubeziehen. Dies bietet enorme Potenziale: mehr Sicherheit, mehr Kapazität, mehr Effizienz, mehr Nachhaltigkeit, mehr Komfort und schließlich eine bessere Anbindung. Die Digitalisierung im Bereich Mobilität ist ein zentrales industrie- und datenpolitisches Zukunftsfeld.

Europa muss sich dabei als Vorreiter in den Bereichen Datennutzung und Datenschutz, vernetzter Mobilität und digitaler Innovationen im Fahrzeugbereich erweisen. Als Technologiestandort im internationalen Wettbewerb digitaler Anwendungen muss Europa weiterhin eine Führungsrolle einnehmen. Schließlich ist die digitale Mobilitätswende ein zentraler Baustein zum Erreichen der Klimaschutzziele. Einen erheblichen Beitrag hierzu leistet der Umstieg vom Individual- zum öffentlichen Personennah- und -fernverkehr. Dieser Umstieg kann nur gelingen, wenn durch das Teilen von Daten multimodales Reisen einfacher und verlässlicher möglich wird. Letzten Endes vernetzen wir mit intelligenten Verkehrssystemen alle Mitgliedstaaten und schließlich alle Verkehrsmittel.


  Izaskun Bilbao Barandica, en nombre del Grupo Renew. – Señora presidenta, gracias a la ponente, la señora Plumb, por su trabajo y su colaboración.

La puesta en marcha de un sistema integrado e inteligente de movilidad es prioritaria para que en el año 2050 alcancemos el objetivo de reducir en un 90 % las emisiones del transporte. Necesitamos esta norma comunitaria para garantizar sistemas interoperables, tecnológicamente neutros y adaptados a nuestros estándares de protección de datos, que sean desplegados gradual y armónicamente, y estén conectados con la movilidad urbana. Convertir en hechos estos principios obliga a aplicar estos criterios a la gestión de los fondos Next Generation EU y el Mecanismo «Conectar Europa».

La Comisión ha aprobado hoy la versión modificada del plan de recuperación y resiliencia modificado de España, que no aplica las prioridades adecuadas en lo que se refiere a la inversión en carreteras. El plan español solo incluye vías de titularidad estatal y, de acuerdo con los contenidos de esta norma, es un error marginar carreteras que son prioritarias en este despliegue —tanto por su nivel de uso como por su posición en las redes transeuropeas— solo porque son de titularidad regional (en este caso, vasca) y no estatal. Por eso pedimos que se corrija este criterio y que no ocurra lo mismo en otros Estados de la Unión.


  Alviina Alametsä, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. – Madam President, thank you all, colleagues, everyone here, and also those who were with us negotiating on this Intelligent Road Transport Systems Directive and it’s definitely a right step in the right direction, I have to say, because we need to save lives. Currently, approximately 20 000 people in each year die because of road accidents and those numbers are even increasing instead of decreasing and this is shocking, of course. So all of the actions that we can have are needed to save these lives because each life lost is too much.

And I think that the Parliament has had many good goals in this regard, but I have to say that the trilogue agreement means that, for example, the data-sharing that is essential to decreasing these deaths is more limited. And I think it’s very important that we encourage the Member States that they can take an even more ambitious approach than laid out in this regard, because that’s really a choice that the Member States can make as well.

It’s very important that we take these steps and it’s very important that we do this not only for the lives of people, but also the traffic management, environment and intelligent systems and I thank you all so much for working with me on that as well.


  Beata Mazurek, w imieniu grupy ECR. – Pani Przewodnicząca! Nie mam żadnych wątpliwości, że wdrożenie inteligentnych systemów transportowych to kluczowe działanie na rzecz osiągnięcia opartej na sieci i zautomatyzowanej multimedialnej mobilności. Przyczyni się to do przekształcenia europejskiego systemu transportowego celem stworzenia efektywnej, bezpiecznej, zrównoważonej, inteligentnej oraz odpornej mobilności.

Oczywistym jest, iż zastosowanie inteligentnych systemów transportowych przynosi wiele korzyści, takich jak poprawa bezpieczeństwa, skrócenie czasu podróży czy zmniejszenie zużycia energii. To, przed czym jednak pragnę nas wszystkich przestrzec z tego miejsca, to niebezpieczeństwo nałożenia zbyt dużego obciążenia administracyjnego na państwa członkowskie. Ostrzegam przed niewykonalnymi obowiązkami i nadmiernymi obciążeniami administracyjnymi.

Dlatego w pełni zgadzam się z potrzebą stopniowego wdrażania tego rozwiązania, biorąc pod uwagę stosunek kosztów do korzyści wynikających z tych obowiązków oraz niezbędny potencjał administracyjny. Niezwykle ważne jest również, aby środki te były wprowadzane z poszanowaniem ochrony danych osobowych.


  Andor Deli (NI). – Elnök Asszony! Nagyon fontos, hogy maximálisan kihasználjuk az intelligens technológiák nyújtotta lehetőségeket a közlekedés minden területén. Ugyanakkor a technológiai semlegesség és a rendszerek interoperabilitása kulcsfontosságú. Nem ismétlődhet meg a vasúti irányításból ismert helyzet, ahol a mai napig tart a rendszerek összehangolása. A kamionok kabinjába nem építhető be annyiféle-fajta eszköz, és nem életszerű az se, hogy mindezek kezelésével a kamionsofőröket terheljék.

Az egyszerűségre és az átjárhatóságra kell törekedni az utasforgalom esetében is. Szintén kiemelten fontos, hogy az ITS nyújtotta lehetőségek egységesen legyenek hozzáférhetők az Unió egész területén, ideértve a vidéki és a ritkábban lakott régiókat is. Ezért kérem a Bizottságot, hogy a végrehajtási aktusok kidolgozása során helyezzenek különös hangsúlyt ezekre az elemekre, hogy az új jogszabály ne jelentsen új adminisztratív és pénzügyi terheket sem a fuvarozó cégeknek, sem pedig az utasok számára.


  Henna Virkkunen (PPE). – Arvoisa puhemies, arvoisa komissaari, on hyvä, että meillä on nyt älykkäitä liikennejärjestelmiä koskeva ITS-direktiivi täällä vahvistettavana. Nykyinen direktiivihän on vuodelta 2010 ja näiden vuosien aikana digitalisaatio on mennyt huimasti eteenpäin ja samoin meille on syntynyt paljon uusia digitaalisia palveluita liikenteeseen. On siis hyvä, että saamme nyt yhdistettyä tämän saman direktiivin raamin alle erilaiset liikenneinfrastruktuuriin ja erilaisiin liikennemuotoihin ja lippuvarausjärjestelmiin liittyvät tiedot.

Liikenteen digitalisaation ansiosta pystymme saamaan paljon turvallisempaa, tehokkaampaa ja myös kestävämpää liikennettä. Samoin jos osaamme suunnitella liikenteen hyvin, se vähentää ruuhkia ja vähentää päästöjä. Itse asiassa digitalisaatio on yksi tärkein tapa, miten voimme muuttaa liikennettä ympäristön kannalta kestävämmäksi.

Nyt tässä yhteydessä, kun alamme viimeistellä tämän vaalikauden lainsäädäntöjä ja katse on entistä enemmän tulevalle vaalikaudelle, katson, että tulevalla vaalikaudella EU:n pitää kyllä huomattavasti vauhdittaa liikenteen digitalisaatiota. Nyt on hyvin paljon jäsenmaiden vastuulla, kuinka nopeasti siellä hankkeet etenevät. On selvää, että meidän on investoitava lisää tämän alan innovaatioihin, tutkimukseen ja tuotekehitykseen, mutta tarvitaan myös modernia infrastruktuuria, jotta digitaaliset palvelut ovat mahdollisia.

Tiedämme, että kuljetusalalla ympäri Eurooppaa on erittäin suuri työvoimapula, ja silloin kun digitalisaatiota hyödynnetään tehokkaasti, voimme uudistaa logistiikkaketjuja, voimme automatisoida, robotisoida, erittäin merkittävästi liikennettä ja näin saada tehokkuutta, lisää turvallisuutta, mukavuutta, sujuvuutta liikenteeseen. Tulevalla vaalikaudella liikenteen digitalisaation vauhdittaminen kaikkialla Euroopassa täytyy ottaa entistä voimakkaammin painopisteeksi.


  Maria Grapini (S&D). – Doamna președintă, domnule comisar, stimați colegi, sigur, domeniul transportului rutier este responsabil pentru multe: pentru emisii și, din păcate, pentru pierderea de vieți omenești. Știm bine că s-au făcut eforturi în ultimii ani pentru îmbunătățirea infrastructurii. E nevoie să avem un sistem de transport inteligent în domeniul rutier. Problema este de implementare. Trebuie să spun, domnule comisar, că ați amintit de parcări. Am vizitat, în calitate de membră a Comisiei pentru transport și turism, mai multe parcări - nu numai în țara mea, într-o țară din est. Am fost în Franța, unde știm bine că au fost omorâți șoferi în parcări. Parcările nu sunt securizate.

Din punctul meu de vedere, cred că este o diferență foarte mare între posibilitățile de implementare, pe care nu o contest. Toată lumea știe ce beneficii aduce un sistem inteligent. Problema este de implementare, pentru că atât timp cât avem diferențe foarte mari în piața internă (și acum vorbesc ca vicepreședinta Comisiei pentru piața internă), riscăm să fragmentăm piața, dacă nu toate statele membre vor putea să fie conectate la acest sistem în condiții reale, evident, și să nu afectăm până la urmă prin tehnologiile sistemului integrat, care trebuie să fie complementare, să fie fiabile, să fie testate.

De aceea, cred că trebuie multă prudență și foarte multă monitorizare a modului cum se aplică în fiecare țară și ce posibilități financiare (până la urmă e vorba și de bani) poate să aibă fiecare stat, încât această strategie într-adevăr să aducă efectele pe care le dorim cu toții, și anume un transport inteligent, sigur și cu mai puține accidente, dacă se poate, pe transportul rutier.


  Ondřej Kovařík (Renew). – Paní předsedající, pane komisaři, digitální technologie mění svět včetně dopravy, a když je správně využijeme, tak si můžeme v lecčems pomoci. A proto doufám, že nová verze pravidel pro rozvoj inteligentních dopravních systémů v Evropě skutečně přinese taková zlepšení. Na první místo bych dal bezpečnost. Dobře fungující dopravní infrastruktura může výrazně snížit riziko dopravních nehod či usnadnit jejich předcházení. A dále jde o zlepšení řízení dopravy. Nejen známé příklady jako lepší parkování ve městech, ale řízení celého systému dopravních sítí tak, aby provoz na nich probíhal plynule a jednotlivá opatření dávala smysl. A kdo z vás kdy řídil auto tady ve Štrasburku a okolí, tak ví, o čem mluvím. A v neposlední řadě musíme mít na paměti, že nové technologie nesou i rizika. Budou sbírat a zpracovávat velké množství dat, a proto je nutné chránit i soukromí účastníků provozu. To zahrnuje ochranu nejen samotných údajů, ale také zajištění kybernetické odolnosti systémů proti potencionálním útokům nebo zneužití.


Procedura “catch the eye”


  Clare Daly (The Left). – Madam President, I think the directive really is essentially technical, but the discussion shouldn’t have been. I mean, in road transport, intelligent transport systems have been developing now for over 20 years.

We know that some applications are very widespread and well known: journey planners, travel information systems, intelligent traffic lights, real time traffic information and management. And they are designed and definitely do contribute to making transport policy more efficient, more comfortable, safe and secure in a way.

But that’s grand as good as it goes. I mean, we are witnessing new stages of the development. We have autonomous car models and the dangers are so well highlighted by colleagues about the exchange of data in the exchange of information.

You know, in some of these measures, if it was being proposed in China, people would be jumping up and down about a massive surveillance scam. So we have to be careful. And I do think the key point is that any discussion on an intelligent transport system mustn’t get us away from the fact that the key objective should be moving away from road transport into rail and into a reduction on car use for public transport.


  Mick Wallace (The Left). – Madam President, I’m sure Commissioner Schmit would be very disappointed if we didn’t have an opinion on the issue. Intelligent road transport systems. It sounds like it makes sense – the idea of reducing traffic congestion, reducing emissions, shorter travel times while improving safety on roads. That all sounds good, so is to be welcomed. If it is going to be that good, it’d be good to have it on all the roads. In Ireland, you’re far more likely to have a bad accident on our bad roads than on the motorways. Most of our accidents happen off the motorways, so I don’t know whether it’s feasible to expand it to all the roads or not. I don’t know.

My colleague mentioned about the collection of data. I actually don’t worry about the collection of data at all on this because I’m pretty convinced that all data has been collected already anyway. There are so many different operators out there collecting it. So an extra one won’t make a whole lot of difference. But anyways, let’s hope it works and we welcome it, believe it or not.


(Fine della procedura “catch the eye”)


  Nicolas Schmit, Member of the Commission. – Madam President, first, I appreciate all the comments and I’m always very happy, especially when these comments are constructive and positive. This debate has been very positive and very constructive indeed on an issue which is of importance for everybody. We are all drivers or using public transportation, and we all have an interest indeed that transportation in all areas, be it personal transportation or goods, are functioning well, safely and in a very sustainable way. So I thank the parliamentarians who have supported or are supporting this proposal, this directive.

I think it is something a new step because we have made data now a core element of the approach and we want to make data available through this directive.

I just have to mention that indeed things are changing very rapidly, especially when we are discussing about IT and artificial intelligence, because artificial intelligence is also coming into the picture when we are talking about transportation. That is why there is a review clause and the Commission will obviously also work on the next steps to take in order to prepare the review clause.


  Rovana Plumb, rapporteur. – Madam President, dear Commissioner, dear colleagues, thank you for this debate, thank you for your comments and thank you for your support. I would like to tell you that all together we succeeded to provide an easily readable and commonly understood data shared by the national access points, with an appropriate user interface, securing communication between vehicles and infrastructure, which guarantees the reliability, accuracy and availability of data.

Together, we succeeded to make substantial progress by establishing an ambitious geographical scope and timeline for the data and services to be provided.

We need to make sure that the current and next-generation vehicles get the appropriate digital assistance everywhere. The authorities at all levels need to start preparing for the new digital era, as the entire transport network should contribute to the social, financial and environmental benefits.

This direct directive will contribute to citizens’ safety on more secure roads, to significant improvements in performance of transport networks, operations and services, whilst fostering connectivity and facilitating cooperation.

Thank you all and I invite you, dear colleagues, to support this text in order to make sure that we leave nobody and no region behind and do not create a new digital divide.


  Presidente. – La discussione è chiusa.

La votazione si svolgerà martedì 3 ottobre 2023.

Τελευταία ενημέρωση: 14 Φεβρουαρίου 2024Ανακοίνωση νομικού περιεχομένου - Πολιτική απορρήτου