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Förfarande : 2022/0147(COD)
Dokumentgång i plenum
Dokumentgång : A9-0097/2023

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Debatter :

PV 05/10/2023 - 2
CRE 05/10/2023 - 2

Omröstningar :

PV 05/10/2023 - 8.9

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Torsdagen den 5 oktober 2023 - Strasbourg

2. Avtal om finansiella tjänster som ingåtts på distans (debatt)
Anföranden på video

  Der Präsident. – Als nächster Punkt der Tagesordnung folgt die Aussprache über den Bericht von Arba Kokalari im Namen des Ausschusses für Binnenmarkt und Verbraucherschutz über den Vorschlag für eine Richtlinie des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates zur Änderung der Richtlinie 2011/83/EU in Bezug auf im Fernabsatz geschlossene Finanzdienstleistungsverträge und zur Aufhebung der Richtlinie 2002/65/EG (COM(2022)0204 – C9-0175/2022 – 2022/0147(COD)) (A9-0097/2023).


  Arba Kokalari, rapporteur. – Mr President, Commissioner and colleagues, I am glad that we have a political agreement on the new law on financial services contracts concluded at a distance. With the digital development and with more consumers buying financial products online, we now are taking steps to make consumer protection rules fit for the digital age.

How consumers use financial services look very different today than it did 20 years ago. It’s good that the rules are now being modernised and that the withdrawal function that we are introducing in this law for all goods and services is technology neutral. This will make it easier to withdraw when one buys a product online. We are now making it clearer for companies how the rules apply in relation to product-specific legislations. Companies must give information in good time without misleading consumers. We are also harmonising the rules in the EU single market, with a few exceptions where Member States can go further. And most importantly, we are keeping a high level of consumer protection when our consumers are buying financial products online or over the phone.

I want to thank all the shadow rapporteurs, I want to thank the Commission and I also want to thank the Swedish Presidency for the negotiations that we had in the spring and for a successful result. I believe that this new law will be a win-win for consumers and businesses across the European Union, and we now have modernised rules without extra burden for companies and we are ensuring that consumers have a high level of protection when they are buying in Europe. So, thank you, everybody.


  Dubravka Šuica, Vice-President of the Commission. – Mr President, honourable Members, I am pleased to be with you today for this debate concerning the Directive on Financial Services Contracts Concluded at a Distance, commonly referred to as the DMSFD. I am replacing Commissioner Reynders, who unfortunately could not be here today.

To begin with, I would like to thank the rapporteur, the shadow rapporteurs and all the Parliament’s team for their hard work on this file. We have reached an agreement within a short period of time, thanks to the effective and efficient work of everyone.

This agreement is overall balanced. It preserves the objectives as well as the overall architecture of the Commission proposal, namely establishing a level playing field for financial services concluded online while ensuring a high level of consumer protection. It also clarifies the scope of application of the directive, its horizontal nature and its interaction with product-specific legislation. This includes, namely, the repeal of the Distance Marketing of Consumer Financial Services Directive and the introduction of a new chapter on financial services sold at a distance in the Consumer Rights Directive.

The agreed text also modernises existing rules by introducing a withdrawal function. The right of withdrawal is a key consumer right and it should be easy to exercise it even when the financial service is bought online. Then, for cases where traders sometimes use online, automated tools, we introduce a right to obtain human intervention in case it is needed by the consumer.

The new rules will protect consumers from so-called dark patterns. The agreement also confirms the maximum harmonisation approach, with the exception for pre-contractual information obligations and the new dark pattern provision, where Member States may go further and impose stricter rules. On penalties, the agreement is aligned with the respective provision in the recently agreed Consumer Credit Directive.

In conclusion, the agreement is a win-win outcome for consumers and traders alike. It empowers consumers by providing them with modernised futureproof rights adapted to the digital transformation. It also provides clarity as for the scope of the application of the rules, thereby creating legal certainty for the traders.

Once again, thank you and well done to the rapporteur and her team.


  Ivan Štefanec, za skupinu PPE. – Pán predsedajúci, s rastúcim trendom používania digitálnych technológií rastie výrazne aj podiel finančných kontraktov, ktoré naši občania uzatvárajú online. Či už ide o poistenie auta, dôchodkové poistenie, alebo obyčajné otvorenie bežného účtu v banke. Zároveň sa takto otvára priestor aj pre rozvoj nových a inovačných služieb a projektov.

Vzhľadom na rýchly rozvoj moderných digitálnych technológií však môžeme pozorovať istú informačnú asymetriu pri uzatváraní kontraktov na diaľku práve v neprospech spotrebiteľa.

Nové technológie vytvárajú priestor pre nové nekalé praktiky, ktoré môžu aj negatívne ovplyvniť rozhodovanie spotrebiteľov.

Preto vítam aktualizáciu tejto smernice, ktorá obsahuje dôležité nástroje na posilnenie ochrany spotrebiteľa a limituje používanie nekalých marketingových praktík, prostredníctvom ktorých sa častokrát spotrebitelia zaviažu k rôznym službám, o ktoré ani nemajú záujem.

Za rovnako dôležité považujem zavedenie práva na odstúpenie od zmluvy, ktoré musí byť viditeľné a dostupné aj pri uzatváraní zmluvy.

Častokrát seniori, ktorí možno nedôverujú dostatočne, alebo nemajú skúsenosti s chatbotmi pri uzatváraní zmluvy na diaľku, určite ocenia zavedenie práva na konzultáciu zmluvy s človekom, aj pre lepšie pochopenie tohto produktu.

No a osobitne oceňujem aj zjednodušenie legislatívnej záťaže, čo je dôležité najmä pre malé a stredné podniky vo finančnom sektore, a určite to podporí rozvoj inovácie a digitalizácie.


  Biljana Borzan, u ime kluba S&D. – Poštovani predsjedavajući, od 2002. godine, kada smo zadnji puta regulirali ovo područje do danas, digitalna ekonomija doživjela je golemi procvat. Međutim, u takvom okruženju potrošači često ostaju nezaštićeni, sklapajući štetne ugovore na osnovi pogrešnih ili nepotpunih informacija.

Ovim prijedlogom se osigurava kvalitetna i besplatna informacija o financijskim uslugama prije sklapanja ugovora. U online svijetu svi smo primijetili kako u samo nekoliko klikova možemo potrošiti novac, ali isto tako smo primijetili da je potrebno puno više od nekoliko klikova kako bi nam se novac vratio. U tome je vrijednost ovoga prijedloga, a prije svega takozvanog gumba za odustajanje kojim će se potrošačima omogućiti lako raskidanje ne samo ugovora o financijskim uslugama već i svih vrsta ugovora koji su sklopljeni na daljinu.

Sa samo dva klika moći ćemo otkazati ugovor ili narudžbu.

Jako puno ljudi danas kupuje online, ali i skoro polovica europskih građana kaže kako se na njih vršio pritisak da kupe nešto preko telefona ili poruka. Deset posto europskih građana žali se na pritisak prodavača na kućnom pragu. Nažalost, u takvim situacijama oni najranjiviji često budu prevareni i oni će biti zaštićeni ovim zakonom.

Hvala kolegama koji su radili na ovome prijedlogu i na kraju ovo su jako dobre vijesti za europske potrošače.


  Billy Kelleher, on behalf of the Renew Group. – Mr President, many more of us interact with our financial service providers, banks, or insurers online. In some instances, we are forced to because branches are closing, there is less personal contact and, in other instances, we are offered more innovative products by new online-only providers. Regardless of the reason, it is essential that consumers have the same protections online as they have offline. I strongly welcome and support the amendments to this directive to ensure that the consumer protections around contracts concluded at a distance are brought into the digital age and cannot be circumvented. Most important are the rules ensuring that all consumers have a 14-day right of withdrawal if they change their minds.

However, in future, I think we as a legislator are going to have to be more ambitious. We need to seriously look at the right of cancellation. Nowadays, we can conclude a contract online in a matter of a few clicks and providing some basic information. But very often, it’s a different story when it comes to the cancellation of a subscription. Just as this directive has done for the 14-day withdrawal period, we need to ensure that the ability to cancel is made clear and not a process hidden in a labyrinth of the provider’s websites. So we need clarity at the start of a contract as to how you go about cancelling a contract, because I do find that it is more difficult to cancel than it is to subscribe to very often.


  Claude Gruffat, au nom du groupe Verts/ALE. – Monsieur le Président, Madame la Commissaire, chers collègues, imaginez votre «streameuse» favorite qui vous fait la publicité de produits ou de services financiers douteux. Imaginez votre chanteur de pop préféré qui vous incite à acheter le tout nouveau NFT tout en vous promettant que ça vous rapportera beaucoup d’argent en très peu de temps. C’est ce qui s’est passé à maintes reprises en France et en Europe, et c’est au détriment des consommateurs et des consommatrices qui ont perdu des milliers d’euros. À l’échelon européen, ça fait des dizaines de millions d’euros.

Alors aujourd’hui, nous allons voter un texte censé protéger les consommateurs et les consommatrices de l’Union européenne. J’ai bien dit «censé», car malgré plusieurs dispositions très positives, la publicité en ligne faite par les influenceurs reste mal encadrée.

Parmi les points positifs, nous retrouvons le fait que tout consommateur pourra désormais se rétracter de tout contrat financier conclu à distance d’un simple clic. C’est une grosse avancée. Nous devons nous en féliciter, d’autant plus que nous avons obtenu cette disposition qui s’applique à tous les contrats conclus à distance, pas seulement aux services financiers. Ce rapport fait donc un sérieux pas dans la direction de la protection des consommateurs.

Mais là où la déception est réelle, c’est que ce texte, qui était aussi l’occasion d’encadrer la promotion de produits financiers par les influenceurs, ne le fait pas tout à fait. Il y a tant de scandales et d’arnaques dans lesquels certains d’entre eux cherchent à refourguer des produits financiers à leur audience sans avoir aucune compétence dans ce domaine. Je le répète ici, les influenceurs ne devraient pas être en mesure de faire de la publicité en ligne pour les produits financiers ou les crypto-actifs, à moins qu’une autorité compétente puisse leur délivrer une autorisation.

Au lieu de cela, on va se contenter d’imposer un libellé qui indique que tel ou tel influenceur n’a pas de connaissances requises pour pouvoir faire la promotion des produits financiers. Autrement dit, on ne protège pas réellement les consommateurs, surtout quand on sait à quel point l’influence peut être forte sur les réseaux sociaux.

Parmi les créateurs de contenus, pour la plupart honnêtes, nous continuerons donc à voir des influenceurs rapaces, avides d’argent, qui manipulent leur public avec de fausses promesses afin de vendre des produits financiers douteux, sans même le savoir d’ailleurs, pour la plupart d’entre eux qui se livrent à ce type de pratiques. La promotion de produits financiers exige des compétences et elle doit être mieux encadrée.


  Dorien Rookmaker, namens de ECR-Fractie. – Voorzitter, commissaris, rapporteur, dank voor dit goede voorstel. Dames en heren, zoals u weet hebben we in de Europese Unie een reeks richtlijnen en regelgevingen die onze digitale economie ondersteunen. Volledige harmonisatie, precontractuele informatie, het recht op ontbinding en digitale rechtvaardigheid, het zijn allemaal cruciale aspecten en die worden hier goed geadresseerd. Gelukkig hebben we een aantal praktische zaken in ons overleg kunnen aanpassen en is het voorstel nu ook werkbaar. Het is prima zo, maar wanneer is het klaar?

Geachte collega’s, we moeten het simpel en beperkt houden. Alle spelers in de markt zijn gebaat bij rust op het regeltjesfront. Communicatie-experts drukken ons op het hart dat het niet gaat om meer, maar wel om betere informatieverstrekking. Ik heb het gevoel dat daar ook bij deze herziening te weinig aandacht voor is geweest en dat vind ik jammer.

Maar laten we niet vergeten dat volledige harmonisatie een lopend proces is en dat we moeten blijven streven naar minder regelgeving, meer duidelijkheid en begrijpelijke wetten. Houd het simpel, is mijn devies.


  Alessandra Basso, a nome del gruppo ID. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, lo sviluppo delle nuove tecnologie ha sicuramente facilitato l'accesso ai prodotti finanziari e la pandemia ha ulteriormente accelerato questo processo, portando alla crescita degli acquisti online. L'era dello scambio di fax appartiene ormai alla preistoria.

Per contro, i consumatori che acquistano online sono diventati più vulnerabili a pratiche di manipolazione, come l'uso di interfacce progettate per ingannarli e deviare la loro attenzione verso prodotti o servizi che in realtà non volevano sottoscrivere. Ecco perché è stato fondamentale vietare ai fornitori di servizi finanziari di spingere i consumatori a fare scelte che potrebbero essere contrarie ai loro interessi attraverso il design del sito web.

Molto spesso per spingere a concludere un contratto si fa leva sul senso di urgenza e sull'invito ad agire immediatamente per non perdere prestiti stranamente vantaggiosi, promesse di guadagni facili e offerte a prezzi stracciati, e poi ci si trova incastrati. E lo sappiamo bene: i contratti poco chiari, una volta firmati, sono difficili da revocare, o meglio, erano difficili. L'obiettivo che ci siamo posti è anche quello di rendere i consumatori più consapevoli del loro diritto di recesso e di garantire che recedere da un contratto non sia più oneroso che stipularlo.


  Kateřina Konečná, za skupinu The Left. – Pane předsedající, vážená paní komisařko, i když gratuluji zpravodaji k dosažené dohodě, musím také vyjádřit své zklamání. Je třeba uznat, že tímto začleníme důležitá práva spotřebitelů do horizontálně použitelné směrnice o právech spotřebitelů. Vítám také skutečnost, že jsme změnili text z úplné harmonizace na minimální harmonizaci, což členským státům umožní nejen zachovat již existující práva spotřebitelů, ale také zavést další. Ale ve vyjednávání byl prostor prostě pro mnohem více. Musíme si přiznat, že Rada nepřijala téměř žádný z požadavků Evropského parlamentu. Týká se to zejména textů vztahujících se na tzv. dark patterns či ustanovení o přezkumu a ustanovení o sankcích.

Moje skupina by také upřednostnila přísnější regulaci reklamy na finanční služby, zejména s ohledem na influencery inzerující online. Nemusím zde asi sáhodlouze vysvětlovat, že role těchto influencerů v investičním poradenství rok od roku roste. Přitom nenesou žádnou, ale žádnou odpovědnost. Proto jsme byli také v poslední době svědky řady skandálů, zejména v oblasti investování do kryptoměn. A to se musí co nejrychleji změnit. Proto je text směrnice v tomhle ohledu velkým zklamáním. Stručně řečeno, bylo dosaženo minima a promeškali jsme příležitost lépe chránit spotřebitele.


  Deirdre Clune (PPE). – Mr President, thank you to our rapporteur and to all those involved. I welcome these new provisions for the financial services that have been provided in the Consumer Rights Directive. We are all living through digitalisation of our financial services, and we know that consumer protection rules must now be fit for the digital age.

These new rules will provide for stronger protection for consumers when they conclude contracts at a distance or by phone. It will be easier for consumers to make informed decisions. They must be given clear information before they purchase a financial service product, and they must get that information in good time before they finalise the contract.

A major change introduced here will be the introduction of the right-to-withdraw function within 14 days for all digital contracts, and not just financial, as we want to have what’s legal the same offline as on the online space. So we now have the principle that it is as easy to withdraw from as it is to conclude a contract.

I’m also glad to see the provision that there will be human intervention for consumers and those of us who can get caught in the labyrinth that can be when you try to deal with these complex services online. So thank you to all involved.


  Jonás Fernández (S&D). – Señor presidente, señora comisaria, sin duda, la digitalización de la economía nos está exigiendo una puesta al día del conjunto de las leyes, las regulaciones, los Reglamentos y las Directivas, para intentar mantener los mismos principios y los mismos objetivos, pero a través de instrumentos distintos, en la medida en que ese mundo digital necesita, como decía, una regulación equivalente al resto de la economía.

En esta ocasión celebramos —y me gustaría congratular al ponente y al conjunto del equipo negociador por ello— la puesta al día de una regulación necesaria para controlar esa oferta de servicios financieros a distancia en la que, en algunos casos, si no existe un control muy claro, puede haber problemas de disminución de los derechos de los consumidores. Me gustaría destacar el trabajo del Grupo S&D para garantizar la presencia física, el contacto humano, en este tipo de contratos.


  Vlad-Marius Botoş (Renew). – Domnule președinte, doamna comisară Šuica, stimați colegi, în plin proces de digitalizare, cu o multitudine de servicii oferite online, avem nevoie de acest raport privind contractele semnate la distanță, adaptat exigențelor și realităților actuale.

Condițiile impuse prin acest raport asigură un nivel ridicat al protecției consumatorilor în ceea ce privește contractele la distanță pentru serviciile financiare. Este important ca înainte de încheierea contractului, consumatorul să fie informat, într-un mod cât mai clar, asupra obligațiilor pe care și le asumă, asupra dobânzilor și taxelor pe care ar trebui să le plătească pentru a lua cea mai bună decizie și pentru a nu se împovăra mai mult decât ar putea să plătească.

Regulile prevăzute în această directivă vor contribui, totodată, la consolidarea pieței unice, creând un cadru legislativ armonizat care poate duce la buna funcționare și la dezvoltarea acestui sector.

Cred că Parlamentul European a ajuns la o poziție echilibrată, care asigură protecția consumatorilor și cadrul legal adecvat pentru actorii economici.


  René Repasi (S&D). – Herr Präsident, Frau Kommissarin, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Dark Patterns sind eine Pest des Internets. Es ist schon schlimm genug, dass wir Verbraucher im Internet regelmäßig dazu verleitet werden, Entscheidungen zu treffen, die wir eigentlich nicht wollen, Produkte kaufen, die wir eigentlich nicht nötig haben. Besonders niederträchtig sind solche Verhaltensweisen, wenn sie Menschen in Schuldenfallen laufen lassen.

Es ist gut, dass wir etwas zu Dark Patterns in diese Richtlinie hineinbekommen haben. Es ist mir aber unverständlich, warum wir im Verhandlungsergebnis nicht ein klares Ende für diese Missstände setzen und die Mitgliedstaaten ihr gesamtes Arsenal in Stellung bringen wollen, um Dark Patterns bei Finanzdienstleistungen zu verbieten und zu verhindern – so wie wir, das Europäische Parlament, es in unserer Position gefordert haben. Das ist eine Schande für den Rat, dass er nicht mehr zugelassen hat. Deswegen seien sie aber versichert: Wir, das Europäische Parlament, werden hier am Ball bleiben, um Dark Patterns überall den Garaus zu machen.


  Maria Grapini (S&D). – Domnule președinte, doamna comisară, stimați colegi, modificarea Directivei 2011 în ceea ce privește contractele de servicii financiare încheiate la distanță era o necesitate. Pe parcursul înaintării în digitalizare, sigur că avem nevoie și de adaptare. Și mă bucur foarte mult că prin creșterea protejării libertății cetățenilor de a alege și în domeniul contractelor încheiate la distanță, crește încrederea cetățenilor de a lucra cu contracte încheiate la distanță.

Evident că mă bucură faptul (cuvinte care nu se aud) drept al consumatorului de a solicita o intervenție umană, pentru că știm bine că avem nivel diferit în statele membre legat de abilitățile pe digitalizare și este bine că am precizat acest lucru, mai ales pentru persoanele de vârsta a treia.

Este, de asemenea, important că avem în directivă prevăzute norme privind informațiile precontractuale. Este important să știe consumatorul înainte și, de asemenea, important, că avem reglementat dreptul de retragere.

Cred că este însă foarte important, doamna comisară, ca statele membre să adauge la ceea ce noi facem acum în legislația națională și sancțiuni dacă nu se respectă.


  Dubravka Šuica, Vice-President of the Commission. – Mr President, once again, thank you for this debate and I want to thank Parliament for the work you put into this proposal.

It is a key step to achieve a high level of protection of consumers in Europe. It is also a crucial piece of legislation to ensure that businesses understand which laws to apply when concluding financial services at a distance.

It is obvious from your debate that we need clarity at the beginning of the contract as well as at the end of the contract. All of us know that the online world is vulnerable to manipulation. This is what all of you said. So the Commission stands ready to deploy all efforts to facilitate the transposition of this new piece of legislation to ensure that it can be implemented quickly and properly by all stakeholders.


  Der Präsident. – Die Aussprache ist geschlossen.

Die Abstimmung findet am Donnerstag, 5. Oktober 2023, statt.

Senaste uppdatering: 12 januari 2024Rättsligt meddelande - Integritetspolicy