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Verbatim report of proceedings
Wednesday, 8 November 2023 - BrusselsRevised edition
 1.Address by Cate Blanchett, UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador
 2.Resumption of the session
 3.Opening of the sitting
 4.Statement by the President
 5.Approval of the minutes of the previous sitting
 6.Composition of Parliament
 7.Verification of credentials
 8.Composition of Parliament's political bodies
 9.Composition of committees and delegations
 10.Negotiations ahead of Parliament’s first reading (Rule 71)
 11.Order of business
 12.Urgent need for immediate measures against the rise of antisemitism (statement by the President)
 13.Conclusions of the European Council meeting of 26-27 October 2023 - Humanitarian crisis in Gaza and the need for a humanitarian pause (joint debate - Conclusions of the European Council and the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and the need for a humanitarian pause)
 14.EU enlargement policy 2023 (debate)
 15.Composition of political groups
 16.Composition of committees and delegations
 17.State of the Energy Union (debate)
 18.Type-approval of motor vehicles and engines with respect to their emissions and battery durability (Euro 7) (debate)
 19.Strengthening the right to participate: legitimacy and resilience of electoral processes in illiberal political systems and authoritarian regimes (debate)
 20.One-minute speeches on matters of political importance
 21.Agenda of the next sitting
 22.Closure of the sitting
Verbatim report of proceedings
Revised edition (557 kb)
Verbatim report of proceedings
Revised edition (557 kb)
Verbatim report of proceedings
Revised edition (3014 kb)
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