Eugen Tomac (PPE). – Doamna președintă, întărirea autonomiei financiare a Uniunii Europene este interesul tuturor statelor membre, întrucât ne garantează resursele necesare pentru a depăși situațiile de criză.
Prin urmare, am votat pentru propunerea de a îmbunătăți sistemul de resurse proprii ale Uniunii Europene, pentru a-l face mai simplu, mai transparent, echitabil și neutru din punct de vedere fiscal pentru cetățeni. Diversificarea surselor de venit se impune, având în vedere cheltuielile în creștere, iar acest coș actualizat este așteptat să genereze venituri de ordinul a 45 de miliarde de euro pe an în prețuri curente, începând cu 2028.
Cu toții suntem beneficiarii bugetului Uniunii Europene și trebuie să ne asigurăm că acesta nu este un subiect folosit politic, așa cum s-a întâmplat de foarte multe ori.
Diversificarea resurselor proprii ale Uniunii Europene este o necesitate. Nu este motiv de ceartă politică între statele membre. Dimpotrivă, este motiv de mobilizare și responsabilitate, astfel încât să putem colecta la sursă fără a împovăra cetățenii europeni.
Jiří Pospíšil (PPE). – Paní předsedající, nepodpořil jsem tento materiál, a je dobré proto vysvětlit proč. Já se zkrátka obávám, že návrhy přerozdělování daní mezi Evropskou unií a členskými státy, kdy se posilují příjmy Evropské unie, nakonec povedou k nárůstu daní pro Evropany, protože členské státy budou muset nějakým způsobem zvýšit své příjmy, aby mohly tzv. poslat více peněz do společného, komunitárního rozpočtu. A to zkrátka nakonec zaplatí ten Evropan, evropské firmy, evropští občané. To někdo musí zaplatit. V takových případech jsem zdrženlivý. Proto jsem tento návrh nakonec nepodpořil, protože to, abychom takto nepřímo vytvářeli tlak na nárůst daní v Evropské unii, zvláště v dnešní době, v době, kdy řešíme nárůsty cen energií atd., mně nepřipadá úplně odpovědné. Je třeba o tom vést dále debatu, ale opravdu se zamýšlet i nad tím, kdo platí daně. Členským státům je musí platit vždycky občané a firmy.
Mick Wallace (The Left). – Madam President, revising the system of own resources for the EU is all about boosting the EU’s budget, ability to respond to growing demands and new crises, and dealing with the repayment of the NextGenerationEU debt.
A new common cooperation tax and a financial transaction tax are clearly good things that simply couldn’t function at an individual Member State level.
But what will this new basket of own resources be used for? The working people of Europe are on their knees with the cost of living crisis. Will we be helping the people of Europe with this? Very unlikely.
We will continue to fill the coffers of the military industrial complex. More and more EU money is going on military spend. The militarisation of Europe is increasing. We could not throw enough money at the war in Ukraine, making sure that didn’t stop, regardless of the number of working-class Russians and Ukrainians dying. We were oblivious to it, but we were promoting a war that suited the US/NATO political agenda, but it has done absolutely nothing for the citizens of Europe. This militarisation of Europe has nothing to offer the people of Europe.
Clare Daly (The Left). – Madam President, I voted for this report because, in principle, I do not have a huge problem with the EU raising money through things like taxing corporate profits because somebody has to and, God knows, Member States like my own certainly are not going to do it.
But there is an elephant in the room, and that is the question of why the EU needs to raise all this money for itself. It just got a EUR 1 trillion budget two years ago. Where did all the money go? Well, we all know where it went: the EU blew all that cash on war and weapons, and now it is passing around the hat for more. It is not just the own resources.
The Commission has demanded that Member States cough up an extra 100 billion – 100 billion – to fatten up the budget that the EU blew on war and militarism. Half of that is for Ukraine, a country whose destruction we continue to cheerlead.
Well, shame on you because somebody is making money out of this. And it is certainly not the poor people in Ukraine or Europe. If the EU wants to find some money, there is an easy way to do it: back a ceasefire in Ukraine, stop the war and give that ruined country a chance to rebuild itself.
Seán Kelly (PPE). – A Uachtaráin, in principle, I am a great believer in own resources for the EU. I think it is a good thing. It means less direct taxation from Member States and that in itself will get rid of some of the populism we hear so often about Europe taking money from taxpayers directly from the Member States.
Own resources, especially in relation to ETS and CBAM, makes absolute sense, and it is essential to strengthen the Union and also create a sense of unity across the European Union, because we need that at this present time. People are always looking for more and more money from the EU, but at the same time, they are saying that they should not be paying into it, that someone else should pay for it. Well, by getting the own resources, this certainly will make it easier and particularly to pay back the debt in relation to COVID.
I would like to compliment Commissioner Hahn, my friends and colleagues, José Manuel Fernandes, Siegfried Mureșan and others, who have done great work on this, and that is something that we will continue to do to get in accommodation with all Member States.