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Procedūra : 2022/0358(COD)
Procedūros eiga plenarinėje sesijoje
Dokumento priėmimo eiga : A9-0270/2023

Pateikti tekstai :


Debatai :

PV 28/02/2024 - 21
CRE 28/02/2024 - 21

Balsavimas :

PV 29/02/2024 - 7.3
Balsavimo rezultatų paaiškinimas

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XML 9k
Ketvirtadienis, 2024 m. vasario 29 d. - Strasbūras

11.1. Duomenų, susijusių su trumpalaikės būsto nuomos paslaugomis, rinkimas ir dalijimasis jais (A9-0270/2023 - Kim Van Sparrentak)
Kalbų vaizdo įrašas

Mündliche Stimmerklärungen


  Clare Daly (The Left). – Mr President, as the housing crisis rages across Europe and homelessness rises to historic levels, the impact of short-term rentals in our European cities is part of the problem. Now, it is not the main one but, nonetheless, I did vote for this file because we know that the short-term rental market accounts for around a quarter of all tourist accommodation in the EU, but how many residential units are being lost to short-term lettings? We don’t know.

For far too long, the platforms have protected their data to hide the true nature of their impact on housing, to block the enforcement of regulation, and for too long to prevent cities from collecting taxes. But of course, we know their lobbying influence and how much sway they have.

So it is about time that we tackle that and I think that this file does go a little bit of the way to do that, which is why I supported it. More important than that, we need to resolve the housing crisis. We need to build public housing now.

Atnaujinta: 2024 m. gegužės 22 d.Teisinė informacija - Privatumo politika