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Doslovno izvješće
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Ponedjeljak, 11. ožujka 2024. - Strasbourg

10. Potpisivanje akata donesenih u skladu s redovnim zakonodavnim postupkom (članak 79. Poslovnika)
Videozapis govora

  President. – I would like to inform you that, since the adjournment of Parliament’s session on 29 February, I have signed, together with the President of the Council, two acts adopted under the ordinary legislative procedure, in accordance with Rule 79.

I would also like to inform you that on Wednesday I shall sign, together with the President of the Council, 10 such legislative acts. The titles of the acts will be published in the minutes of this sitting.

Posljednje ažuriranje: 21. lipnja 2024.Pravna obavijest - Politika zaštite privatnosti