 Texto íntegro 
Procedimiento : 2023/0271(COD)
Ciclo de vida en sesión
Ciclo relativo al documento : A9-0069/2024

Textos presentados :


Debates :

Votaciones :

PV 12/03/2024 - 8.8
CRE 12/03/2024 - 8.8

Textos aprobados :


Acta literal de los debates
XML 12k
Martes 12 de marzo de 2024 - Estrasburgo

8.8. Uso de la capacidad de infraestructura ferroviaria en el espacio ferroviario europeo único, modificación de la Directiva 2012/34/UE y derogación del Reglamento (UE) n.º 913/2010 (A9-0069/2024 - Tilly Metz) (votación)

– Before the vote:


  Tilly Metz, rapporteur. – Madam President, dear colleagues, this new regulation will allow for a more optimal use of the rail tracks, so that we can get more trains on the tracks. Train passengers will benefit from increased punctuality and reliability and it will become easier for shippers to use rail transport for their goods. This is a welcome initiative.

It is also clear, to reach the EU modal shift targets, much more has to be done. I am very pleased that we found really solid compromises that improve the Commission’s proposal and I would like to thank the shadow rapporteurs and of course also their teams. To further strengthen rail capacity, we call on Member States and the Commission to provide stable funding for maintenance, for renewal and construction of rail infrastructure. We also agree that the rail sector should be closely consulted in all planning and management processes.

One of our major criticisms was that the sector was intended to design and adopt its own rules, implement them, monitor them and conduct its own performance review. To counter this, we introduce an EU oversight for checks and balances by strengthening regulatory bodies and by an independent performance review body. We also give new tasks to the European Railway Agency to give support, to coordinate digital solutions and to identify obstacles for cross-border rail services.

And finally, we set more ambitious targets for the implementation so that this regulation can have an impact on reaching the EU’s green objectives within this decade. With this proposal, we can start to move from a patchwork of networks into a seamless European railway network. So I count on your support.

Última actualización: 23 de julio de 2024Aviso jurídico - Política de privacidad