Josianne Cutajar, rapporteur. – Madam President, today we are voting on a targeted amendment to the Cybersecurity Act. We are introducing a cyber certification scheme for managed security services. This is a crucial step towards preventing market fragmentation and establishing the EU Cybersecurity Reserve.
I’d like to first thank all the shadow rapporteurs and their respective teams for the collaboration. As the lead negotiator in this file, I understood well the pivotal role of MSS companies in supporting SMEs and local authorities, which often lack in-house expertise and resources.
As Parliament, we succeeded with a new provision that acknowledges the importance of providing solid financial and technical support, such as through the Digital Europe Programme. Through this Act, which champions skilling, transparency, accountability to the European Parliament and all stakeholders in the preparation and implementation of the certification scheme, as well as offering more legal clarity in the definition.
Over the past five years, I made it my mission to forge a digital policy that prioritises the needs of the most vulnerable. Let us not forget that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. In this era of digitalisation, coupled with geopolitical turbulence, this Parliament’s commitment to a comprehensive, safe and inclusive digital transition for all citizens and businesses alike, irrespective of where they live, must remain a priority. Thus, whilst I urge you to vote in favour, may I conclude in my mother tongue, Maltese.
Nagħlaq bil-lingwa Maltija billi nirringrazzja lil dawk il-kollegi kollha illi ħdimt magħhom matul dawn il-ħames snin, mhux biss il-Membri Parlamentari Ewropej imma anke l-ħaddiema kollha f’dan il-Parlament u lit-tim tiegħi. Jien mhux ħa nkun qed nerġa’ nikkontesta l-elezzjonijiet li ġejjin, imma minn qalbi nawgura lil dawk kollha li ħa jkunu rieletti jew eletti biex ikomplu bil-ħidma pożittiva, ħidma sfiqa ta’ Unjoni Ewropea iktar soċjali, iktar reżiljenti u iktar sostenibbli. Grazzi.