Parliamentary question - E-000392/2025Parliamentary question

Drop in the productivity of shellfish gathering on the Galician coast: the case of the Arousa Estuary


Question for written answer  E-000392/2025
to the Commission
Rule 144
Ana Miranda Paz (Verts/ALE)

According to data from the shellfish gathering industry, the productivity of the Arousa Estuary in Galicia fell by almost 45 % in 2024, which implies an economic loss of almost EUR 16 million. This has an effect not only on the hundreds of direct jobs that this industry creates, but on the whole industrial supply chain.

Abnormally high sea temperatures and heavy and irregular rainfall are killing commercial species. The lack of protection from water pollution is also a factor in shellfish mortality. However, according to data, only around 20 % of funds from the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) are aimed at environmentally sustainable small-scale fishing.

Considering this:

Submitted: 29.1.2025

Last updated: 4 February 2025
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