Discriminatory treatment of Community research students in Germany
by Giorgio Calò (ELDR) and Antonio Di Pietro (ELDR)
to the Commission
On the basis of the internal rules of the Max Planck Society in Germany foreign research students, unlike their German fellow students, do not have access to the regular employment contract BAT IIa/2, but receive a grant ('Stipendium'), which is tax-free and not subject to social security contributions.
This discrimination affects hundreds of foreign students, most of them from Community countries, and naturally has substantial repercussions on guarantees and rights in the areas of social security and health.
The Max Planck Society, 80% of whose funding comes from public sources, is bound by the principles of the Constitution and the founding principles of the Treaty concerning non-discrimination, freedom of movement and residence, freedom of establishment and equal opportunities.
In view of the blatant violation of these principles, can the Commission intervene by adopting urgent measures to ensure that the aforementioned discriminatory treatment of Community research students in Germany is discontinued?
OJ C 84 E, 03/04/2004