Parlamendi esitatud küsimus - E-2710/2004Parlamendi esitatud küsimus
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Greek national land registry

by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL)
to the Commission

The establishment of a national land registry is an extremely important task, in particular for the economic development of Greece. Various problems and complications have arisen in carrying out this project but on, 3 February 2004, the then Greek Government announced that the Commission had approved a draft operational programme entitled ‘Information technology data infrastructure for a modern land registry.

1. What projects precisely are covered by the draft operational programme and what is its overall budget (national and Community resources)?

2. In more general terms, what is the extent of the progress made so far in drawing up the Greek national land registry and is it considered to be satisfactory? What complications have arisen and precisely when, in the Commission's or the Greek authorities’ estimation, will the project be completed?

3. What financial provision has been made for the continuation of the land registry project? Will Community funding be provided and, if so, how much?

OJ C 125, 29/05/2006