Answer given by Mr Dimas on behalf of the Commission
According to the Commission's information JP‑8 is exclusively used as military fuel. The primary ingredient in JP‑8 is kerosene, 99+% by weight. In addition to kerosene, JP‑8 contains various additives to inhibit icing, prevent static charge build-up, avoid oxidation and decrease corrosion. With the exception of fuel system icing inhibitor (diethylene glycol monomethyl ether) which may be present in concentrations from 1 000 to 1 500 parts per million, all other additives are present at levels less than 25 parts per million. The Commission has currently no knowledge about the presence of additives such as tetraethyl lead (TEL), 1,2-dibromoethane, dicyclopentadiene or manganese.
The primary component kerosene is classified as dangerous according to Annex I to Directive 67/548/EEC[1]on the approximation of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous substances. Both straight run kerosene (CAS number 8008-20-6) and kerosene (unspecified) (CAS number 64742-81-0) are classified as R65; which means being harmful, as it may cause lung damage if swallowed. Kerosene is not classified as being carcinogenic.
The Commission is not aware of any studies that have assessed the potential for soil and groundwater contamination of JP‑8 at military airports. The Commission is not aware of any studies that have assessed the environmental and health hazards of JP‑8 in Member States at whose airports JP‑8 is used, nor of environmental pollution and health hazards caused by JP‑8 in the vicinity of the Ramstein military air base.
More information on the environmental and health hazards will become available as part of the registrations of kerosines and additives used to formulate JP‑8 under the REACH regulation. Awaiting the outcome of the registration under REACH, the Commission does not consider further research to be needed for the time being.
- [1] OJ 196, 16.8.1967, pp. 1-98.