Parliamentary question - E-3096/2009Parliamentary question

Websites glorifying anorexia and bulimia

by Esther De Lange (PPE‑DE)
to the Commission

The Commission devotes considerable attention in its health policies to the problems related to being overweight and obesity. Currently, some 22 million children are overweight in Europe, and five million children are seriously overweight. However, less attention is paid to the problems related to being underweight and to glorifying being underweight. Yet there are currently over 1 500 websites glorifying the eating disorders anorexia and bulimia. Visitors to such websites can, among other things, read tips on losing weight and see photographs of extremely thin people. That most visitors to the Belgian website are from the Netherlands highlights the fact that websites have a cross‑border influence.

This prompts the following questions:

OJ C 189, 13/07/2010