Parliamentary question - E-5119/2009Parliamentary question

Compliance by Spain with Regulation (EC) No 1523/2007

by Ramon Tremosa I Balcells (ALDE)
to the Commission

Regulation (EC) No 1523/2007[1] outlaws the placing on the market and the import to, or export from, the Community of cat and dog fur and products containing such fur, the aim being to remove impediments to the functioning of the internal market and reassure consumers that any fur products they acquire do not contain such fur.

The deadline laid down in the regulation for its obligatory implementation by the Member States is 31 December 2008.

Article 7 of the text obliges the Member States to inform the Commission of their efforts to ensure compliance with the regulation. The Spanish Government, in its reply to Senate questions 684/012416 and 686/012417[2], says that there is no need to forward information to the Commission concerning compliance with the regulation. Is this correct?

Article 8 of the text states that the Member States shall draw up the rules on penalties for infringement of the regulation and adopt measures to ensure their implementation. They should have supplied the relevant data by 31 December 2008.

Has this information been supplied to the Commission yet by Spain?

If not, what is the Commission's position on the matter? What action can or should be taken to remedy the possible error of the Spanish government?

OJ C 10 E, 14/01/2011