Parlamentsfråga - E-1919/2010(ASW)Parlamentsfråga
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Answer given by Mr De Gucht on behalf of the Commission

The Commission has taken note of the concerns of the Portuguese textile, garment and footwear industry. In cases where dumping practices cause injury to the Union industry, anti-dumping duties may be imposed after investigation by the Commission. Following such investigations, the Council has adopted and recently prolonged the anti-dumping measures concerning imports of certain leather footwear from the People's Republic of China and Vietnam.

The Commission normally considers opening an anti-dumping investigation only upon receipt of a properly documented complaint lodged by an EU industry. If and when a complaint is lodged by the Portuguese or EU textile, garment and/or footwear manufacturers, the Commission will carefully analyse it and may initiate an investigation if all legal conditions are met.

The EU's approach on sustainable development issues such as environmental and labour standards is to seek to encourage third countries to adhere to and respect the relevant international conventions in these areas, through measures such as Generalised System of Preferences (GSP+) and the sustainable development chapters in bilateral/regional trade agreements).