Parliamentary question - E-6744/2010Parliamentary question

EU project funding for prevention of rabies and castration programmes for stray dogs

Question for written answer E-6744/2010
to the Commission
Rule 117
Rebecca Harms (Verts/ALE)

The increase in the number of stray dogs is a major problem in some EU countries. National and international animal welfare organisations are therefore working in these countries, in consultation with, and with the support of, the responsible local authorities, to effectively and successfully combat the suffering of stray dogs by means of castration programmes. Regrettably, in some countries methods of catching and killing stray dogs are nonetheless being used which are not in accordance with the general consensus and fundamental approach formulated in the Lisbon Treaty, namely that animals should be seen as sentient beings, capable of feeling pain and suffering.

With the Community Action Plan on the Protection and Welfare of Animals 2006‑10 presented in 2006 and the Animal Health Strategy (2007‑13), the Commission created the possibility of taking action despite the lack of enshrinement of animal welfare in the EC treaties. The scientifically recognised and suitable CCR (Catch-Castrate-Release) method, successfully practised worldwide, provides a valid solution, which successfully and effectively prevents uncontrolled growth in the number of dogs and which, under the animal health strategy, may be effectively combined and carried out together with general vaccination programmes for preventing rabies.

1. Does EU project funding exist or is such funding planned in order to enable relevant programmes to be supported in the countries concerned, and how are appropriations allocated?

2. Does EU project funding exist or is such funding planned in order to enable systematic castration programmes to be carried out using the CCR method in the countries concerned and to enable the programmes, in conjunction with the vaccination strategy for combating rabies, to be scientifically monitored and evaluated, and how are appropriations allocated?

OJ C 216 E, 22/07/2011