Parliamentary question - E-6868/2010Parliamentary question

Failure to implement Regulations Nos 998/03/ΕC, 882/04/ΕC, 388/10/ΕC and Directive 92/95/EEC on trade in pets

Question for written answer E-6868/2010
to the Commission
Rule 117
Nikolaos Chountis (GUE/NGL)

Complaints have been raised in various publications and from citizens and animal welfare organisations about the illegal exportation of pets from Greece to other Member States of the EU.

The main point of the complaints is that private individuals and associations appropriate stray animals, in breach of national legislation on the handling of stray animals which, pursuant to Law 3170/03, belong to the local authorities, and, in cooperation with associations in other Member States, export them to unknown destinations for commercial exploitation.

The transportation of these animals, which is effected under appalling conditions, their fate at their destination and their illegal commercial exploitation constitute flagrant violations of European legislation and, in particular, of Regulations Nos 998/03/ΕC[1], 882/04/ΕC[2], 388/10/ΕC[3] and Directive 92/95/EEC[4] on trade in pets.

Will the Commission say:

OJ C 243 E, 20/08/2011