Pedigrees and hip dysplasia (HD) images
Question for written answer E-7992/2010
to the Commission
Rule 117
Christel Schaldemose (S&D)
The Danish Kennel Club has a monopoly on keeping Danish pedigree records of dogs with an FCI (internationally recognised) pedigree. For inclusion in the pedigree register it is necessary to show an up to date breeding record including x-rays of the dog’s knees and hip-joints (HD scan).
The Danish Kennel Club has refused to approve HD scans of Danish dogs carried out by German photographers, while they approve the same type of scans from the same photographers when carried out on German dogs. This prevents Danish dog-owners from having scans carried out outside Denmark, where purchasing pedigree dogs is more practical — and significantly cheaper.
Some Danish nationals get around this rule by selling their dog to a German front man while they have the scan carried out, and then buying it back.
Can the Commission state whether the Danish Kennel Club is contravening Council Directive 91/174/EEC of 25 March 1991 laying down zootechnical and pedigree requirements for the marketing of pure-bred animals[1] and the principle of freedom of movement of services, given that it discriminates between Danish and German dog owners?
- [1] OJ L 85, 5.4.1991, p. 37.
OJ C 243 E, 20/08/2011