Answer given by Mr Dalli on behalf of the Commission
The issues of illegal trade in pets and their protection during transport have already been addressed by the Commission in the replies to E‑3787/09 and E‑6868/10[1].
As regards the identification of dogs, a comprehensive legislation is in place to ensure their safe movements amongst Member States. Where intended for trade between Member States, dogs must be individually marked by means of a tattoo or an electronic identifier (‘transponder’) — that will be the only means of marking an animal after 3 July 2011 — and have a valid anti-rabies vaccination documented in the passport issued by a veterinarian authorised by the competent authority. The passport establishes the link between the individually marked animal and its certified health status.
The registration of dogs is not regulated at EU level and this issue thus falls under the competence of the Member States. In some Member States the registration of dogs is mandatory and a national database is in place while in other Member States this issue is not regulated.
As regards possible future developments of the EU legislation in this area, the Commission should remind the Honourable Member that EU competences in relation to pet animals are limited, and that any new Union's initiative regarding a possible mandatory registration of dogs at EU level should be in line with the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality.
- [1]
OJ C 249 E, 26/08/2011