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Parliamentary question - E-001280/2011(ASW)Parliamentary question

Answer given by Mr Dalli on behalf of the Commission

1. The Commission is not aware of the situation reported by the Honourable Member.

2. The Commission does not intend to convene a study on the use of animals after the Olympic Games. The protection of animals in the context of shows or events is not subject to EU rules and this matter is therefore solely under the competencies of the Member States. There is even less of a basis on which to intervene in third countries.

3. A Joint Agreement between the European Community and Canada on animal welfare issues exists under the Agreement between the EC and the Government of Canada on sanitary measures to protect public and animal health in respect of trade in live animals and animal products. However, the EU competencies on animal welfare are mainly focused on farm and experimental animals. Animals participating in shows or events are not part of this scope and therefore cannot be part of an international agreement contracted by the EU.

OJ C 286 E, 30/09/2011