Terrorist Finance Tracking Program (TFTP) Agreement and evaluation of the Joint Supervisory Body (JSB) inspection visit to Europol
Question for written answer E-002762/2011
to the Commission
Rule 117
Bendt Bendtsen (PPE)
In connection with the TFTP Agreement, there should be stricter requirements for the US to specify the data of interest to it, with a view to minimising the details handed over. The US should prove that the data it is seeking relates to individuals genuinely suspected of involvement in terrorism. Bulk data — a large volume of data, on many customers, handed over in a single operation — should be subject to stricter rules.
On 11 November 2010, the JSB conducted an inspection of Europol in The Hague.
One of the JSB's conclusions was that the US authorities' requests for data to be handed over were too imprecise and abstract, making it impossible for the JSB to assess the need for, and purpose of, the transfers.
1. What steps has the Commission taken to resolve the problems raised in the JSB's report?
2. In connection with revision of the interim agreement, what scope is there for correcting it so as to take account of the above and the other recommendations made by the JSB in its report?
OJ C 309 E, 21/10/2011