Parliamentary question - E-006543/2011Parliamentary question

Follow-up question: 220 dogs put down without anaesthetic in Romania

Question for written answer E-006543/2011
to the Commission
Rule 117
Daniël van der Stoep (NI)

1. Is the Commission aware of Question E‑005087/2011 and its answer dated 17 June 2011?

In its answer the Commission says: ‘Since there is no EU legislation on this matter, the Commission has no competence to take any action towards the Romanian authorities.’

2. Even if it thinks that it is has no competence to take action against the Romanian authorities, can the Commission nevertheless speak out against cruelty to animals and thus specifically condemn Romania for the mass slaughter, without anaesthetic, of healthy stray dogs? If not, why not?

3. Even if it thinks that it is has no competence to take action against the Romanian authorities, can the Commission nevertheless affirm that cruelty to animals has no place in the EU and that in fact, for that reason and because of the many corrupt practices there, Romania is unworthy to be a member of the EU? If not, why not?

4. Does the Commission agree that it is hypocritical and inconsistent that it normally speaks out about everything — it often meddles in internal affairs of the Member States that have nothing to do with it — but it now ‘suddenly’ will not take a stand on cruelty to animals in Romania, and can the Commission explain this? If not, why not?

In its answer the Commission says: ‘There is no EU rule on the way stray dogs should be killed as control of stray dogs falls under Member States’ responsibility.’

5. Is the Commission aware that Article 13 TFEU states that ‘the Member States shall, since animals are sentient beings, pay full regard to the welfare requirements of animals’?

6. Does the Commission agree that, even if there are no EU rules on how stray dogs should be put down, because of the mass killing of stray dogs without anaesthetic Romania’s actions are in breach of Article 13 TFEU, and is the Commission prepared to point this out to Romania and impose financial penalties if there are no prison sentences in Romania for such cruelty to animals? If not, why not?

OJ C 128 E, 03/05/2012