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Parliamentary question - E-009953/2011(ASW)Parliamentary question

Joint answer given by Mr De Gucht on behalf of the Commission
Written questions : E-009953/11 , E-010644/11


The Honourable Member is invited to refer to the answers to Written Questions E‑9337/2011, E‑9490/2011, E‑9534/2011, E‑9796/2011, E‑10213/2011 and E‑10503/2011[1] which address the issues of dog population management in Ukraine.

In addition, Ukraine is a member of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), which has adopted animal welfare standards and guidelines. Consequently, Ukraine shall base their animal welfare legislation on OIE standards, guidelines or recommendations, where such international standards have been adopted.

As regards Ukraine's trade relations with the EU, the country agreed in the context of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA) negotiations, as part of a future Association Agreement, to gradually converge its sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) and animal welfare legislation to that of the EU. For that purpose, Ukraine shall submit a comprehensive strategy for the implementation of that Agreement, divided into priority areas related to SPS and animal welfare measures. This strategy will serve as the reference document for the implementation of SPS and animal welfare rules. Therefore, if and when the DCFTA, as part of an EU‑Ukraine Association Agreement, is signed and enters into force, Ukraine's SPS and animal welfare standards in those categories covered by the Agreement —mainly food producing animals- should start to converge with those of the EU, improving as a result.

OJ C 168 E, 14/06/2012