Statistics on antibiotics use by humans and in farm animals and pets
Question for written answer E-010443/2011
to the Commission
Rule 117
Elisabeth Jeggle (PPE) , Giovanni La Via (PPE) , Michel Dantin (PPE) , Mairead McGuinness (PPE) and Elisabeth Köstinger (PPE)
During the debate on the resolution on the public health threat of antimicrobial resistance on Wednesday, 27 October 2011 in Strasbourg, several questions were raised regarding the extent of antibiotic use in human and veterinary medicine (both in farm animals and in pets). Since the Commission could not provide exact information, we wish to follow up the debate by asking the following detailed questions:
- 1.What is the extent of antibiotic use in the EU‑27 annually in human medicine, broken down by country and by antibiotic type?
- 2.What is the extent of antibiotic use in the EU‑27 annually in veterinary medicine? Please provide a breakdown of antibiotic use for each category of farm animal and domestic animal (pets), including sport animals (horses, etc.).
- 3.Are there generally‑binding regulations for veterinarians to prescribe antibiotics? Which Member States require veterinary authorisation prior to receiving antibiotics and/or what measures exist for veterinarians regarding the dispensing of medicines? What are the legal requirements for the prescribing, use, documentation and control of antibiotics in the EU‑27?
- 4.To what extent are farmers and veterinarians monitored and controlled by the Commission and national authorities regarding the use of antibiotics?
- 5.How does the Commission define the ‘misuse of antibiotics’? To what extent can the misuse of antibiotics be penalised at EU or national level?
OJ C 168 E, 14/06/2012