Parliamentary question - E-000435/2012Parliamentary question

Animal testing (vivisection)

Question for written answer E-000435/2012
to the Commission
Rule 117
Sergio Paolo Frances Silvestris (PPE)

Italian citizens who have recently been gathering outside the Chamber of Deputies (Palazzo Montecitorio) in Rome have been protesting loudly to demand the closure of a breeding centre in Brescia, the only one of its kind in Italy, which breeds pedigree dogs — beagles — intended for vivisection.

The factory of death, as it has been called, is now under pressure and the company has been asked to close down its business. One reason for this is Directive 2010/63/EU, which concerns vivisection and will shortly be implemented in Italy too. Under that directive, it will be prohibited to breed, on national territory, dogs, cats and primates intended for vivisection (animal testing).

For all practical purposes, once the European legislation is implemented, vivisection of these species will no longer be permitted and the use of different scientific techniques will be required. Moreover, tests without anaesthetic will be prohibited, to avoid unnecessary suffering for the animals .

Can the Commission therefore answer the following questions:

OJ C 75 E, 14/03/2013