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Parliamentary question - E-011448/2012(ASW)Parliamentary question

Joint answer given by Mr Füle on behalf of the Commission
Written questions :E-011448/12 , E-011663/12 , E-011661/12 , E-011664/12 , E-011665/12 , E-011449/12 , E-011662/12

The Commission kindly refers the Honourable Member to its answers to questions E-9861/10, E-11133/10, E-11134/10 and to the letter to Mr de Magistris[1] of 11 April 2011.

Detailed statistical information relating to specific projects, including committed and disbursed amounts, co-financing by national authorities and key results will be provided in a separate letter outside the Parliamentary Question procedure and at a later stage, as this is a rather substantial set of information going beyond the remit of the present procedure and requiring additional time to collect.

In all beneficiary countries, the projects are implemented in line with EU eligibility rules[2]. Projects are examined in terms of their compliance with the priorities of the Accession/European Partnerships and the Multi-Annual Indicative Planning Documents. All projects are submitted for review and approval by Member States in the IPA Committee.

As regards the priorities for action in the period 2014 — 2020, these are currently being discussed both at the level of the beneficiary country and at regional level, and will be reflected in the respective (Multi) Country Strategy Papers.

The Commission confirms that the strengthening of the rule of law and the fight against corruption remain high priorities of the Enlargement Strategy and will continue to support projects in these areas in the next budgetary period. Assistance under the new financial instrument IPA II will pursue four specific objectives. The first objective, support for political reforms, includes strengthening of democratic institutions, the rule of law and the fight against corruption. In addition, after 1 July 2013, there will be funds available in these specific areas for Croatia under the Transition Facility.

OJ C 321 E, 07/11/2013