Inhumane conditions for stray and abandoned dogs in Romania
Question for written answer E-000222-13
to the Commission
Rule 117
Monika Flašíková Beňová (S&D)
The absence of registration for dog owners and of laws applying to the identification of all owned and abandoned dogs is leading to an unacceptable situation. These animals are being exposed to inhumane treatment and violation of their rights. The situation in Romania is getting worse and becoming intolerable. The country, which is an EU Member State, is in breach of agreements regarding the protection of animals and decent living conditions for them. The agreements in question are the Lisbon Treaty and the European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals, CETS No 125.
How can the Commission help to resolve this urgent situation?
Does the Commission not consider it justifiable to call on the competent representatives of Romania to comply with the agreements they have signed up to?
OJ C 346 E, 27/11/2013