Parliamentary question - E-002017/2013Parliamentary question

Possible dumping of cod from Norway

Question for written answer E-002017-13
to the Commission
Rule 117
Ole Christensen (S&D)

According to the Danish media (including Maritime Denmark, 21 January 2013), since the beginning of 2013 Norway has been lowering the minimum sale price for cod while at the same time increasing its cod quota by up to 30%.

The increase of the Norwegian quota, which is 25 times larger than the total Danish cod quota, coincides with Norway releasing large quantities of fish on to the world market. This has led to a drop in the price of cod in Denmark (in some places from DKK 22 to DKK 11 per kg).

In the past Norway has raised an import barrier on foodstuffs such as meat and cheese, and on flowers, resulting in higher prices on the European market.

In the light of the above, will the Commission state its view on Norway’s dumping of fish on other countries’ markets so as to protect the income of its domestic cod market? Will the Commission state whether Norway’s behaviour conflicts with the EEA Agreement, which requires the country to comply with the EU’s internal market legislation? Will the Commission take any steps to introduce an anti-dumping duty on the import of cod from Norway under the EEA Agreement?

OJ C 372 E, 19/12/2013