Ticketing and travel information in the Single European Railway Area
Question for written answer E-004099-13
to the Commission
Rule 117
Michael Cramer (Verts/ALE)
The major objective of the recast of the First Railway Package, as well as of the Fourth Railway Package, is to create a genuine Single European Railway Area. Yet, recent developments show a general trend towards segmentation when it comes to seamless ticketing and travel information. I therefore ask the Commission:
- 1.Is the Commission aware that, despite of the provisions contained in the EU’s Third Railway Package, it is becoming more difficult — not easier — to buy tickets for international rail journeys involving more than one operator, especially when booking online?
- 2.What measures will the Commission take beyond the provision on national ticketing schemes proposed in the Fourth Railway Package in order to facilitate seamless ticketing on international routes?
- 3.Is the Commission aware that rail passenger rights in the event of delay are unclear where there are separate tickets for a single journey, especially when more than one operator is involved? This problem has grown as it has become more difficult to buy one ticket to cover an entire journey. I would like to ask the Commission to make it clear that a ‘ticket’ is distinct from a ‘journey’, and that a ‘journey’ can be made using more than one ticket. Does the Commission plan to clarify or amend the legislation in order to ensure that passengers can travel forward on the trains of any operator at no extra cost when their booked connection is missed from no fault of their own?
- 4.Many long-distance trains in France and Spain are barred to ‘go-anywhere’ InterRail and Eurail pass holders. Expensive supplements are required there and also in Italy and Portugal. An increasing number of small regional operators of tendered routes in Germany, Poland and Romania do not accept these passes. This creates confusion and reduces the attractiveness of Europe as a tourist destination. Does the Commission consider a flexible ‘go-anywhere’ pass to be of economic, social and/or environmental value? If so, how will the Commission act to encourage operators to participate fully in InterRail or a similar scheme?
OJ C 20 E, 23/01/2014