Parliamentary question - E-012837/2013Parliamentary question

Slaughter without stunning and enforcement of Council Regulation (EC) No 1099/2009

Question for written answer E-012837-13
to the Commission
Rule 117
Sirpa Pietikäinen (PPE)

In Article 26 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1099/2009 it is clearly stated that Member States are entitled to grant animals more extensive protection than that which is enshrined in EU rules. Furthermore, it obliges Member States to inform the Commission about such rules and obliges the Commission to inform other Member States about them:

‘Before 1 January 2013, Member States shall inform the Commission about such national rules. The Commission shall bring them to the attention of the other Member States.’

It has become evident that there have been problems regarding the availability of information about which countries practise slaughter without stunning and which do not. This part of the regulation is not being properly implemented, as Member States have not provided data about their legislative provisions.

How has the Commission acted to enforce this part of the regulation?

Will the Commission make sure that Member States report on the enforcement of the derogation on slaughter without stunning?

OJ C 228, 17/07/2014