Parliamentary question - E-012866/2013Parliamentary question

Animal welfare

Question for written answer E-012866-13
to the Commission
Rule 117
Claudette Abela Baldacchino (S&D)

The estimated number of pets in the EU is quite large, with about 100 million dogs and cats among other domestic animals. One of the problems is a lack of provision of shelters for all animals to protect them, for instance, from direct sunlight. Secondly, if they have shelters, dogs are sometimes still kept on rooftops.

The Commission has adopted a new four-year strategy (2012-2015) which aims to further improve the welfare of animals in the EU, building on lessons learned during the five-year implementation period of the first Action Plan.

1. What are the Commission’s views on the provision of shelters to protect all animals from direct sunlight?

2. Is the Commission monitoring the action plan on the Protection and Welfare of Animals, and can it provide an analysis of achievements so far?

3. Would the Commission consider a 24-hour helpline to assist citizens who come across animals in distress?

OJ C 86 E, 25/03/2014