Question parlementaire - E-000840/2015(ASW)Question parlementaire
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Answer given by Mr Andriukaitis on behalf of the Commission

In its 2015 work programme, the Commission announced that it would withdraw its legislative proposal on new waste targets[1] and replace it by a ‘new, more ambitious proposal by end 2015 to promote circular economy’[2]. The precise scope of this new initiative on the circular economy is currently being analysed by the Commission. The non-binding food waste reduction targets included in the waste targets review may be further analysed as part of the revised proposal.

Since 2012, the European Commission has worked actively to identify best possible actions to take at EU level to fight food waste without compromising on food safety. The Commission would refer the Honourable Member to the website dedicated to food waste prevention[3], which outlines EU actions against food waste, includes materials to support awareness raising in Member States and promotes dissemination of good practices in food waste prevention and reduction.