Parliamentary question - E-012107/2015Parliamentary question

VP/HR — conditions of detention of Mrs Victoire Ingabire in Rwanda

Question for written answer E-012107-15
to the Commission (Vice-President/High Representative)
Rule 130
Peter van Dalen (ECR)

Mrs Victoire Ingabire, who in 2010, after having lived in the Netherlands for years, returned to her country of birth, Rwanda, has already been imprisoned for five years on the basis of extremely dubious charges and after a trial which did not comply with international standards.

Since July 2015, the conditions in which Mrs Ingabire has been held have seriously deteriorated. She is now living in complete isolation, in a cell without daylight. She is being denied any contact with her family, friends, fellow party members and lawyer. It seems that the Rwandan regime wishes to break Mrs Ingabire’s strength of mind and resistance.

Is the High Representative aware of the recent deterioration in the conditions in which Mrs Ingabire is being held?

Will the High Representative take steps vis-à-vis the Rwandan authorities, including the political authorities, and call for Mrs Ingabire’s human rights to be respected?

Will the High Representative bring pressure to bear on the Rwandan authorities to order a review of Mrs Ingabire’s trial, this time in accordance with international standards?