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Parliamentary question - E-012872/2015(ASW)Parliamentary question

Answer given by Mr Oettinger on behalf of the Commission

The promotion of the European Emergency Number, as pointed out by the Honourable Member, is primarily the responsibility of Member States according to the Universal Service Directive. The Commission supports and supplements the initiatives of Member States on an ongoing basis and periodically evaluates public awareness of the European Emergency Number 112. In particular, the Commission has, in the past, contacted the 112 National Authorities, tour operators, travel agents and transport companies in an effort to raise the awareness on 112. According to the 2014 E-communications household survey 41% of Europeans know that calling 112 provides access to emergency services anywhere in the EU[1].

Progress has not been satisfactory. Therefore, the Commission regularly reminds Member States of the requirements. Key performance indicators (KPI) to measure progress in the use of 112, including on awareness, have been developed by experts in cooperation with Member States'. One of the objectives of the KPIs is to provide benchmarks and best practices to follow.

On 11 September 2015, the Commission launched a public consultation[2] on the evaluation and review of the regulatory framework on electronic communications. All stakeholders are encouraged to express their opinion, including on 112, amongst other important issues. Based on the consultation and subsequent evaluation, the Commission will make concrete proposals to review the framework, as appropriate.