Answer given by First Vice-President Timmermans on behalf of the Commission
Article 298 of the Lisbon Treaty calls for an open, independent and efficient EU administration. The Commission may, to this end, make a proposal for legislation where it sees added value.
The EU's own administrative measures cover a range of diverse, mostly highly specialised activities, for which existing administrative rules, principles and practices at Union level aim at an open, efficient and independent interaction with EU citizens and business affected[1].
The Commission sees the need to ensure that existing rules and practices are visible, clear and fit for purpose. As indicated at the European Parliament's Legal Affairs Committee on the 28 January 2016, the Commission is always ready to continue working with Parliament on all options and good arguments as to how the EU administration can be refined, improved and streamlined.
In that spirit, the Commission remains open to be convinced about the opportunity of legislation providing for a horizontal framework of an EU administrative law, should a clear case be made as to its added value. Such a case, in the Commission's view, remains however to be made.
The Commission looks forward to learning about how the European Parliament will pursue this initiative.
- [1] This includes general provisions of Codes of good administrative practices, as well as a range of specific provisions in relation to specific procedures, for example, case-handling in competition or complaints.