Answer given by Mr Navracsics on behalf of the Commission
The Erasmus+ programme supports the learning of all languages, irrespective of their number of speakers. The learning of languages is streamlined throughout the programme, so there is no dedicated sub-programme supporting the learning and teaching of languages, in general, or minority languages, in particular. All actions and projects supported by Erasmus+ are by definition transnational.
In particular, Erasmus+ supports the development of linguistic skills of mobility participants via the Online Linguistic Support (OLS)[1]. For the languages which are not available in the OLS, linguistic support is provided either through organisational support grants (for higher education students) or specific linguistic support grants (for the Youth European Voluntary Service and for Vocational Education and Training).
Projects promoting the usage and learning of smaller languages can benefit from Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships which allow organisations and institutions from the education, training and youth fields as well as from different economic and social sectors to develop, transfer and implement innovative teaching and learning practices and to exchange experiences.
Financial support for communities speaking regional or minority languages can also be obtained through the Horizon 2020 Programme or through European Structural and Investment funds. Cross-border actions can be financed from European Territorial Cooperation/Interreg programmes, provided that language/culture is identified as a relevant topic in the programme covering the regions in question. For example, the Interreg Nord programme has financed several interesting projects aimed at bilingualism and revitalization of the Sami language.
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