Parliamentary question - E-006821/2016Parliamentary question

Earthquake information for European citizens

Question for written answer E-006821-16
to the Commission
Rule 130
Maria Grapini (S&D)

Scientists cannot predict exactly when earthquakes will occur, but they can anticipate their effects. The relationship between the level of damage to buildings and the number of deaths recently recorded in Italy, Haiti and Chile was determined by a range of factors, chiefly the distance from the epicentre of the earthquake and the vulnerability of structures exposed to earth tremors. A worrying number of seismic vulnerability class I buildings have been identified across Europe, some of which have been labelled a danger to the public. Even though work is being carried out to strengthen many of these buildings, the process is long and difficult, especially because people do not realise that they are at risk and many refuse to cooperate with the authorities while restoration work is underway.

What steps will the Commission take to provide more public information on earthquakes and their devastating effects?