Parliamentary question - E-007138/2017Parliamentary question

Arrival of migrants on the coast of Murcia and their detention in prison

Question for written answer E-007138-17
to the Commission
Rule 130
Marina Albiol Guzmán (GUE/NGL)

More than 500 people coming from Algeria and the Rif region of northern Morocco have recently arrived on the coast of Murcia in Spain, fleeing a wave of repression triggered by anti-government protests. Their arrival has been described by the Spanish government’s representative in Murcia as an ‘assault’ and a ‘coordinated, unprecedented attack on the European Union’.

Does the Commission think it is acceptable for the government of a Member State to make xenophobic comments of this sort?

On the grounds that the immigrant detention centre (CIE) in Sangonera la Verde (where human rights violations have been reported) is already at full capacity, more than 460 people have been transferred to a prison in Archidona that has not yet been opened. The prison officers’ unions have reported that the human rights of these migrants are being breached in a prison where there is not even running water.

Does the Commission agree that these conditions amount to a violation of human rights and of Directives 2008/115/EC and 2013/33/EU that regulate the detention of migrants?

Seven courts have been set up for the sole purpose of processing the accelerated deportation of these migrants.

Has the Commission checked that the rights of migrants are being protected in this unprecedented fast-track procedure, including the right to seek asylum and the right of appeal?