Parliamentary question - E-002232/2018Parliamentary question

Continued exercise of EU rights by Irish citizens residing in the North after Brexit

Question for written answer E-002232-18
to the Commission
Rule 130
Martina Anderson (GUE/NGL)

Under the Good Friday Agreement’s provisions for the ‘people of Northern Ireland’, they may identify as Irish, as British, or as both and accordingly hold British and Irish citizenship, without differential or detrimental treatment.

The Phase 1 Agreement explicitly provides for continuation of EU rights for Irish citizens when ‘residing in Northern Ireland’ and examination of ‘arrangements required’ to give effect to their ongoing exercise, with ‘no diminution of rights’ as a result of Brexit.

This commitment goes beyond rights of EU citizens residing in existing third countries in providing for inclusion of rights for Irish citizens normally associated with residency in a Member State.

In relation to the commitment in paragraph 52 of the Phase 1 Agreement providing for continued exercise of EU rights by Irish citizens in the North, can the Commission:

Last updated: 8 May 2018
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