Parliamentary question - E-005697/2018Parliamentary question

Commercial divers

Question for written answer E-005697-18
to the Commission
Rule 130
Michela Giuffrida (S&D)

Commercial divers carry out activities of strategic importance for the European production system, working in a marine environment and in operational inland waterways of energy, port, communication and aquaculture infrastructures.

Particularly with regard to diver training and qualification standards, which fall to the often contrasting, or completely absent, regulations of individual Member States, despite the evidently high risk profile of their activities, at Community level there is no specific regulation for the sector requiring divers to undertake appropriate training on safety and the marine environment in which they work.

The Region of Sicily, exercising the prerogatives of its own legal system, has adopted its own organic law on the training of commercial divers (Regional Law No 7 of 21 April 2016), aligned to the standards set by the International Diving School Association and which, almost unique in Europe, provides for the issue of professional qualifications under the control of the competent public authorities recognised in accordance with Directive 2005/36/EC.

While reviewing Directive 2013/30/EU, which is currently open for public consultation, does the Commission intend to propose the adoption of common standards on the training of commercial divers, in line with the abovementioned international standards on diver safety and the marine environment?

Last updated: 20 November 2018
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