Palantir software at EU agencies
Question for written answer E-000173/2020
to the Commission
Rule 138
Cornelia Ernst (GUE/NGL)
The Palantir Group, which specialises in surveillance, is reportedly cooperating with the US intelligence service and has recently concluded a controversial contract with the Pentagon. The undertaking sells data mining and dragnet search applications, which also use artificial intelligence techniques. In addition to Europol’s analysis system, EASA also uses applications from Palantir.
What applications at what EU agencies contain Palantir components (answer given by Mr Avramopoulos to my question of 5 September 2018)?
For which specific operations or procedures is Palantir software used at the agencies and to what extent are personal data also processed using it?
What costs have been, or will be, incurred for the purchase and use of the software?