Parliamentary question - E-000447/2020(ASW)Parliamentary question

Answer given by Mr Hahn on behalf of the European Commission

The Commission closely monitors the implementation of EU funds for migration, asylum, integration and internal security[1]. This is done through several activities, such as the analysis of annual accounts and implementation reports. Moreover, the Commission regularly deploys experts on the ground in the Member States, including Greece, and carries out ex-post audits to assess the legality and regularity of the expenditure.

The Commission transmits to the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) any information and documents related to possible cases of fraud and corruption involving EU funds, in line with the applicable legislation. OLAF analyses incoming information of potential investigative interest to determine whether there are sufficient grounds to open an investigation.

The OLAF investigation the Honourable Member is referring to is still ongoing. Therefore, OLAF cannot issue any further comment at this stage. This is in order to protect the confidentiality of ongoing and possible ensuing investigations, subsequent judicial proceedings, personal data and procedural rights.

When the findings of an OLAF investigation identify fraud affecting the EU budget, the Office issues financial recommendations to the relevant EU institutions or national authorities in order to ensure that the funds affected by fraud are recovered. The Office may also issue judicial recommendations to the competent national authorities to initiate criminal proceedings, as well as administrative recommendations to address systematic weaknesses and prevent fraud being repeated.

Last updated: 16 April 2020
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