Parliamentary question - E-000447/2020Parliamentary question

Humanitarian situation in Greece

Question for written answer  E-000447/2020/rev.1
to the Commission
Rule 138
Tomáš Zdechovský (PPE)

In 2017, the Commission, together with OLAF, confirmed that an investigation into the potential misuse of EU funds intended for refugee care in Greece was underway. At issue is a sum of more than EUR 50 million [1] . However, the situation has not changed since then, leading to even more tragic consequences. So far, almost EUR 2 billion has been transferred to Greece in order to address the refugee situation. The personal experience of a Czech volunteer doctor in the Greek camps, confirms this [2] . The humanitarian situation in Greece is absolutely alarming.

Is the Commission monitoring whether funds are being efficiently used in Greece, and whether the conclusions of the Commission and OLAF’s 2017 investigation are already being implemented?

How will the Commission address the situation in the event that fraud involving EU funds is detected, and what sanctions will be imposed on Greece?

Last updated: 10 November 2020
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