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Parliamentary question - E-001564/2020Parliamentary question

Is a European Limosa in the offing?

Question for written answer E-001564/2020
to the Commission
Rule 138
Marc Botenga (GUE/NGL)

Any individual not subject to the Belgian social security regime who works temporarily or part-time in Belgium must be able to show proof that they have a Limosa-1 declaration, irrespective of the requirement to hold a portable document A1. Without a Limosa declaration, individuals are subject to criminal or administrative penalties. This requirement applies to both employers who send employees to work in Belgium and self-employed persons. The declaration is a very valuable tool for the Belgian inspectorate in the fight against fraud and social dumping. The Commission has acknowledged that the current Belgian Limosa system, in the form of an easily accessible IT platform, is compatible with Article 56 TFEU which prohibits restrictions on freedom to provide services within the Union. A similar system has been in place in the Netherlands since 1 March 2020, while France recently modernised its SIPSI system.

Last updated: 25 September 2020
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